Page 22 of Winter's Thaw


“I don’t mean that their theatrics are amusing, though they are. I mean that foxes tend to have a sly sense of humor I appreciate.” He grinned at her. “You have the same dry sense of humor as well, oh Queen of Sarcasm.”

She snickered. “You’re just mad because I win most of our arguments at work.”

“Please. You’re a bear. You’re stubborn and refuse to listen to reason. Your alpha’s answer to anything I put to him is ‘Well, Gerald,’” he said in her alpha’s low tone, “‘you do what you have to but I think everything’s fine as it is.’” He just looked at her. “Laura, he said that when I was trying to defend one of your bears from a break-in at a she-wolf’s apartment.”


He continued, “You guys caught him red-handed with the woman’s panties stuffed down his shorts. And your alpha told me not to worry about him going to jail.”

Now she remembered that case. “Right. But only because he was courting her at the time.”

“Funny, but she didn’t think so.” He snorted. “I got him off with community service. We had the cleanest downtown last summer, if you recall.”

“You do good work, counselor.”

“I do, don’t I?” He winked at her and kept watching her while he snacked on desert. “Well, what about you bears? You guys seem to tolerate everyone under the sun. Would your alpha, or heck, your mom, have a problem if you mated someone not bear?”

She didn’t think so. “My mom is pretty open to everything and everyone. Her biggest problem is getting my sister mated and settled down.”

He frowned. “Your sister and not you?”

She flushed. “Apparently, my mother isn’t worried at all about me, because I’m, and I quote, ‘a ballbuster of a gal who takes what she wants when she wants it.’”


She grimaced. “I’m not that bossy.”

He raised a brow.

“Oh, shut it. But my sister, she’s more sensitive, according to Mom.” Laura snorted. “My sister is a horse’s ass most of the time, which is why I love her. But she puts on this act around our clan that drives me nuts. The sensitive younger sister. Bull crap. Hailey’s the one always pulling stuff that I get blamed for.”

“I like that. Sounds foxy.” He grinned.

She stared at him, annoyed that he liked that about her sister. The prettier, funnier Novak girl who had always been more popular than Laura. Normally, that didn’t bother her. She loved Hailey like crazy.

They’d never had a problem with dating or jealousy. But no one had ever meant something to Laura like Gerald did. She didn’t like thinking that he and Hailey would make such a pretty couple.

“Why are you looking at me like you want to gut me?”

“You know my sister. What do you think about her?”

He cocked his head, and his grin widened. “You’re jealous.”

“What? No.” She totally was.

He laughed.

“It’s not funny. And I’m not jealous.”

“Laura, as of last night, I have eyes only for you.”

“It was just sex.” As soon as she said it, she knew he heard the lie.

“I think we both know it was a lot more than that.” His gaze softened, and his grin turned sweet. “Hailey’s lovely. But she’s a little too nice for my taste.”

He stood and pulled Laura into his arms just as “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” came on the radio. “Laura, we made magic together.”