Page 19 of Winter's Thaw

Chapter Fifteen

Gerald didn’t know what the hell had possessed him to make love to Laura without a discussion about rules or using protection, but it was like his dick and his fox had taken over his brain.

Not that he minded, because holy hell, he’d never come so hard before, or so many times in the course of one night, but he didn’t want Laura to feel like he’d taken advantage of her or anything.

Though truth to tell, she’d fried any remaining brain cells he’d had left after that first time. The woman was insatiable, which had made him insatiable.

He smiled and hugged her tighter, spooning her from behind as the light of day pierced the room. The snow seemed to be consistently coming down, likely snowing them in soon. But he didn’t mind at all.

Cupping a full breast, he held its weight and knew a sense of peace he’d never before felt. Being with Laura had been transcendent.

He wasn’t a guy given to poetic license, but she’d done something that had altered his perception of her. And it wasn’t just great sex. Being with her made him feel more, be more.

The scent of their joined spirits hit him, and he tensed all over.

Was that… Had they…?

He sniffed the crook of her neck, and she snuggled back into him, causing him to harden immediately. The lure of her warmth pulled him from the realization he’d nearly had, and he let his instinct take over.

He kissed her shoulder, still caressing her breast, smiling at the feel of her nipple peaking in his hand. “You awake, beautiful?”

She grumbled. “My name is Laura, in case you forgot.”

He chuckled. “I know that, Deputy Grouch.”

She tried to turn over, but he wouldn’t let her, feeling a thrill at the thought of pinning her down. Taking her.

Keeping her.

“Gerald,” she said, a soft whine laced with anticipation firing his blood. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think?” He pushed her onto her belly, his body blanketing hers so she couldn’t mistake his cock pressing against the small of her back and against her fine ass.


He gave a dark laugh. “Yeah, oh.” He pulled her to her hands and knees and spread her legs wider. When he stroked her back and legs, she trembled. And when he bent over her to touch her breasts again, she swayed against him.

“That feels so good.”

“You feel good,” he corrected. “Under me, with me. I need to fuck you again.”

“Yeah, hard. Take me.”

He didn’t need any more encouragement. Gerald rose behind her, spread her wider, and pushed inside her slick sex.

She groaned as he thrust, and he gave a sharp push to seat himself fully inside.

She gasped. “You feel so big.”

“Thanks, baby.”

“It’s Laura, remember.”

Though so turned on he couldn’t think, he laughed at her sense of humor before losing everything but the feel of her as he took what she offered.

Each thrust grew harder, deeper, and yet it wasn’t enough. She continued to moan his name, begging for more.

That only increased his ardor, until he was making sounds that didn’t sound human, his need a fevered pitch and blending with Laura’s soft growls of pleasure, from her human voice and the bear inside her.