Page 16 of Winter's Thaw

Their fingers brushed, and she hurriedly dragged her fingers back.

She feels it, this zing between us. Suddenly, he wasn’t the only idiot in the room.

Chapter Thirteen

Gerald smiled.

“See? That look. I don’t trust it.”

Wise woman. “Now, Laura. You wound me.”

“Ha! I’ve seen you in court, buddy. You talk rings around people.”


She chuckled. “Whatever.”

“I propose a new game.”

“But we haven’t finished this one.”

He shoved the board aside, and pieces fell. “Let’s play Truth or Dare.”


He scooted his chair closer to hers, aware that her competitive streak wouldn’t let her turn away from a challenge. “You heard me. No more rolling dice. We’ll go one at a time.”

He finished his mug of cocoa, drawn to her mouth, wondering if she’d taste like chocolate. If she’d be even sweeter.

“Um, well. I, ah, guess.”

Seeing her flustered woke something inside him, a need to protect as well as seduce. To treat her gently while showing her how combustible they’d be together.

“You go first,” he said.

She bit her lower lip, and he wanted to soothe that sting with his mouth. In fact, he planned on it.

She asked, “Truth or dare?”


She sighed. “I knew you were going to be difficult.”

He laughed.

“Fine. I dare you to say something nice to me.” She looked pretty pleased with herself.

“You are the hardest working deputy at the department. And I mean harder working than even Ty.” His best friend and her boss, the sheriff.

She smiled with pleasure. “That was really nice.”

“And true.” He added for good measure, “And you have the nicest body of any woman I’ve ever seen. Bar none.”

She opened her mouth and closed it without saying anything. Then she added, “Ah, you, um, your turn is over.”

“Right. Then it’s yours. Truth or dare?”

She cocked her head, studying him, and he noted the uptick in her pulse rate. “Truth.”