Page 15 of Winter's Thaw

He was just the man to show her that integrity, strength, and warmth made her that much more beautiful than outward trappings ever would.

“You have two questions, Laura. Choose wisely.” He smiled, no longer hiding how much he wanted her from his expression.

She swallowed. “Um, well, why aren’t you mated yet?”

An interesting question. One his fox wanted to answer by pinning her down and having his wicked way with her. “Because I refused to use the matchmaker my clan insists we all use to find a mate.”

“I always did find that tradition archaic.” She shrugged. “But it seems to work out for you guys.”

“Sometimes. I only know I’ll find my own mate when the time is right.” Like right now?

He stared at her, coming to the realization that this chemistry with Laura might be a lot more than mere lust. How odd to find his mate when he’d known her all his life but had never seen her as more than an acquaintance. But come on. Could it really be the woman he had daily arguments with at the sheriff’s department?

“That still doesn’t explain why you haven’t found someone before now.”

He kept watching her, aware of the flush on her cheeks. “I’ve been busy at work, I guess. I know my folks want me to settle down, but I haven’t felt a rush. I’m only thirty-two.” He paused. “How old are you?”


“Yet you’re not mated. Oh, that’s right. Because no one wants to go out with you.” He rolled his eyes.

“You’re really irritating, you know that?”

“Is that your second question?”

She huffed. “No. Hold on.” She watched him as she thought for a few seconds. “Have you ever dated anyone not a fox?”


She blinked. “Really? Who?”

“A visiting bear from Wisconsin. An eagle. A wolf once, believe it or not. I’ve dated a few humans too.”

“Really?” She leaned closer, and he couldn’t help looking down at her beautifully unbound breasts. “What was that like?”

“You’ve never dated a full human?”

“No. Well, I’ve dated a few Ac-taw who couldn’t shift. Half-human, not full. I don’t care about a guy’s animal spirit. I’m drawn to his character.”

“His character.”

She lifted her chin. “You sound like you don’t believe me.”

“I think you’re deluded. You might think you only like a man for his ‘character,’ but I’d bet you wouldn’t even be looking at him if he didn’t appeal to you on a physical level.”

“Well, sure. What’s wrong with that?” She shifted, and her breasts swayed.

He swallowed a curse. “Nothing at all.”

“Oh. Right.”


They stared at each other.

He felt like an idiot, but she’d mesmerized him. Must be my head not healed all the way. “It’s my turn, right?”

“Ah, yeah.” She gave him the dice.