Page 64 of Rejected By Wolves

There is a light in our path that illuminates a small patch of the ground.

It seems like an odd feature, but Scar explained that there are several of them scattered around so that anyone who is out walking at night can feel safe. Wolf shifters have enhanced sight, as do we, so this feels unnecessary, but when we get to it, Snake rushes forward to stand under the lamp.

He stares up at it curiously, before closing his eyes and opening his mouth.

The long slow hiss he makes is one of his most relaxed noises.

I think I’ve only ever heard it before when he was sleeping.

Huh. That’s a little weird.

I’m about to open my mouth, when I remember I’m not supposed to be talking.

Lucky for me, Scratch turns around, and taps Scar’s shoulder, making him look back.

I shrug my shoulders at them, gesturing at Snake and his odd behavior.

They come closer and Scar sighs softly.

“He’s attracted to the heat, probably.”

“Attracted?” I ask, wondering if he’s making a joke.

It doesn’t really seem like the time for that, but from someone who’s usually way too serious, I’ll take a joke wherever I can get one.

“Not in a sexual way,” Scar says, shaking his head.

“So, you just mean he likes it.”

Snake lets out a happy hiss.

Oh, he definitely likes it.

“Can you get him to move?” Scar asks.

“I don’t know. Am I allowed to talk to him?” I ask. “Or are you about to send me home for this talking I’m doing right now?”

Scar stares at me like he does when I’m testing his last nerve, whatever that’s supposed to mean.

“We are almost there,” he says, lowering his voice out of irritation. “You will do what it takes to get Snake to move along, and you will both go down the path to the left until you reach a fork that leads right. You will get behind the stone built house and wait for the signal. You will navigate Snake past any other lamps you come across. Quietly. Understood?”

I nod, keeping my mouth shut because he didn’t tell me explicitly that I was allowed to talk, and I’ve already pissed him off enough.

I make a hissing noise at Snake, and Scratch’s jaw drops open when Snake hisses back.

I do it again, and Snake makes a sad little hiss before he lets me push him past the streetlamp, away from its barely noticeable source of heat.

“What wasthat?” Scratch asks as we pass them.

I shrug, mouthing, "Not allowed to talk!"

We move past them, and I pretend for a second like I don’t know what left is.

Scar shakes his head at me when I look back. He knows I was faking him out when I swerved to the right before I direct Snake down the left path. Snake stops dragging his feet and runs ahead, stopping under another streetlamp close to the fork in the path.

I groan softly as I make my way toward him.

I get the feeling this is going to be a long night.