I shrug. “I don’t know.”
That’s not an outright lie.
Scar has been keeping it to himself for the Gods only know how long. I’ve only known for a few days, and Scar told me he isn’t sure when it stopped, exactly. He didn’t try to go into town as soon as he realized the sacrifices had stopped showing up. He took his time, thinking and plotting. He brought in his own hunts from the forest so none of us noticed anything was different.
He’s been inside his head more lately. He’s been like that for weeks.
“So, you’re telling me we could be out there right now, in town, looking around for mates?”
“Well, yeah, but we should probably find Scar first.”
He makes a noise. “What for? He left without us. Clearly, he isn’t interested in having us with him, wherever he is or whatever he’s doing.”
I really hate it when Fox has a point.
“We find him first,” I repeat, in a warning tone.
He shrugs, turning around and grabbing his loincloth off the ground.
“Wouldn’t want to go showing my goods off to the ladies,” he starts as he ties it back on, pausing for a second to look at me. “Or would I?”
“Humans wear clothes. It will be less jarring if we wear something.”
“Huh,” he murmurs, clearly not convinced, but after a second of thought he ties the loin cloth and keeps it on. “It’s easy to take this thing off, which I’m sure I’ll be doing soon enough.”
“You are delusional.”
He laughs and then looks at me. “What does that word mean, again?”
“Never mind,” I mutter. “What do we do about Snake?”
“If I have to wear a loin cloth, he definitely should be wearing one,” Fox tells me.
“That’s not what I was asking.”
“Oh,” Fox murmurs, realizing Snake is still playing with himself. “Snake! Hurry up and finish. We’ve got mates to go prowling for.”
“Are you serious?” I ask him, right before the loud, sudden splatting sound turns my head.
The puddle on the floor looks more like a pond now, but Snake’s tongue is back in his mouth, and his loin cloth is already in process.
“Good,” Fox says, making me frown. “Unfair advantage.”
If he seriously thinks the women in Nightshade are only interested in comparing their cocks, I’m pretty sure he’s in for nasty surprise. Shifters take choosing mates very seriously, and we’re unlikely to be what they’re looking for.
Maybe I should let them look for a mate before we go find Scar, after all.
They’ll be dissuaded quickly. It will be disheartening, but I can live with that.
We were exiled for a reason, and we know what the reason is.
It’s not going to come as a surprise when the female shifters are not interested in what we have to offer. At least, it won’t be for me. Fox is a little too hopeful for his own good, and Snake … well he tends to copy everything his brother does. I’m not sure if he’ll be hurt by rejection, but I know Fox will be.
“Just remember, we don’t look anything like them so initial reactions might be … severe.”
Fox shrugs. “I do not care if four dozen women turn me down, all I need is for one to say yes to me.”
Snake hisses in agreement as he gets to his feline brother’s side.