Page 60 of One Day


The whole time they’re taking me away from him, I rail at Johnny and Cash to turn around and go back for Jeb. Once we’ve secured the van, Johnny agrees to go back for him.

Then the shed explodes. The blast sounds first and then the awful, choking cloud of smoke fills the air as a fire begins raging in the background.

“Jeb,” I scream, but I know it’s too late. I didn’t reach the blue door in time, and once again, I’m too late.

Pain slices me open and I’m flooded with the loss of the man I love.

Johnny is shaking me. I don’t listen “Eli,” Johnny yells my name over and over, but I shove him away.

Strong arms twist my body around so I’m facing the direction of the burning shed. “Eli, look.”

There, walking out of the smoke and flame , is Jebediah Ezekiel Jones, the blazing fire acting as his backdrop as he strides toward us as if he were taking a stroll in the park.

I want to run to him, but my grief still has a hold of me and I can’t let myself believe he’s really here, walking toward me.

Tears start streaming down my face.

Jeb catches my eye and starts hurrying toward me, but just as he’s about to reach me, he falters, and then falls to my feet.

I’m frozen, but Cash drags Jeb into the van and Johnny pushes me in behind him. Within a minute, Johnny is speeding toward the interstate, heading to the hospital while I hold his hand in mine.

Once there, they wheel him away on a stretcher. I try to go with him, but Johnny holds me back. “Let them take care of him,” he says, guiding me to a waiting room chair.

There are things I should be doing. Security protocols and damage control, but I can’t seem to get my mind to cooperate and focus long enough to get anything done.

I hear Cash talking to Daisy and Brady, so they can take over my duties, and then to Jack and Archie to update them on the situation with Patriots Now.

It seems that Archie used the fire to pull some strings with the FBI, and they’re raiding Banks’ compound as we sit here.

I know I should be grateful that the plan is still working despite the detours it took, but right now I’m numb and only care about the man unconscious in the emergency room.

The doctor finally comes out and my body tenses, waiting for terrible news. The doctor walks up to us, an easy smile on his face, and looks like he’s been laughing.

“Mr. Caldwell is fine,” the doctor says, using the name of one of Jeb’s aliases we’d given the hospital. “Better than fine. He has the whole staff in the emergency room gathered around him laughing.”


“What caused him to pass out?” Cash has the presence of mind to ask.

“From the rash that appeared on his chest and neck, we believe it was an allergic reaction. Mr. Caldwell said he was cleaning his uncle’s garage and handling multiple chemicals. We gave him an injection of epinephrine and his vital signs stabilized and his rash disappeared.”

It was just an allergic reaction.

The doctor continues speaking, “I’m writing Mr. Caldwell a prescription for anEpiPenand recommending a series of tests that will isolate the cause of his allergy so he can prevent a reaction in the future.”

“How long does he need to be in the hospital?” Johnny asks.

“We’d like to observe him for the next few hours, but as long as his vitals stay strong, we should be able to release him by late afternoon. You are welcome to go see him if you’d like.”

Cash and Johnny thank the doctor while I sit back down on the hospital chair. Johnny kneels down and rests on his haunches so we are eye level. “Hey, Eli, you heard the doctor. Jeb is going to be okay.”

The words echo through my brain.

I stand up. “I have to use the restroom,” I announce, and then head for the bathroom I saw when we came in.

I look back and watch them, their heads together, worriedly talking about me. Seeing they’re distracted, I pass by the bathroom, and head to the elevators. I take one to the lobby floor and head outside to jump in theUberI’d ordered to go to the airport. I text them both once I’ve boarded my plane that I’m leaving for New York.