Page 59 of One Day

It's a small, handmade leather bracelet with a silver nameplate that reads Micah on it. I slip in my pocket, hoping that wherever he is, Micah made it out of here okay, and is in a far better place than this.

“Come on.” I carry Eli hurriedly through the shed. As I reach the door, it begins to open. I aim my weapon.

“It’s us,” Cash calls out as he swings the door open.

I lower my gun. Cash and Johnny walk through the door. Johnny lets out a relieved sigh when he sees Johnny. “Good to see you, buddy. You had me worried there for a second.”

Eli squirms under the attention, but whispers an embarrassed, “Thank you.”

“Do you want the good news or the bad news?” Johnny asks.

“Just give it to me,” I say, ready to hear all of it at once, so we can figure a way to get us the fuck out of here.

Cash answers me. “We took out all the guards but one, who ran off, but the backup arrived and they’re descending on us from the south side of the property.”

Johnny shivers. “It’s pretty creepy seeing twenty of those blond, Patriots Now clones coming at us. It’s straight out of some zombie horror movie, ‘Attack of the Racist Bastards’.”

I know what has to be done.

“Take Eli.” I hold him out to Johnny, who takes him from me.

“What? No.” Eli starts fighting in protest, but Johnny clamps down on him.

“Get one of the vans, preferably the one with Eli’s computers. I’ll hold them off.”

Cash gives an affirmative shake of his head, already planning the logistics between the shed and the van.

“Are you all fucking crazy? We’re not leaving Jeb behind,” Eli says desperately. “There’s got to be another way.”

“Don’t worry, kid. I’ll be right behind you.” I wink at him. “You owe me a date.”

With Eli still struggling against him, Johnny turns and goes out the shed door with Cash covering them from behind.

As soon as they’re gone, I turn to the shelf I noticed earlier with all the chemicals on it.Bingo. I spot more than a few ingredients to mix up the cocktail I want to make for the party I plan on throwing for these Patriots Now assholes.

I find a bucket and start mixing and pouring until I get what I need. Then, I set it up and wait.

Which really pisses me off. I want to get out of this creepy little shed.

Finally, the bastards start their attack. At first, it’s a few of them positioning themselves in the trees behind the shed. Then the rest of them form a triad ready to breach the tiny building.

There may be one of me and twenty plus of them, but I have something they don’t have. Brains, cojones bigger than the size of Texas, and a date with a snarky, sometimes feral, genius, who said he loved me.

I’m fucking indestructible.

They begin by breaching the back side of the building, and I respond by detonating the first of my little cocktails, blowing off the side of the front corner of the shed. With my attackers dealing with that little situation, I let myself out the front door, throwing another lit cocktail behind me, causing another explosion. Soon, the fire reaches all the glass bottles I filled with explosives and set around the shed, and they detonate until the entire shed blows up in one final, fiery blast.

I start walking toward Bank’s house.Toward Eli. He, Johnny, and Cash are standing in front of the Do Right vans. Eli’s shoulders are slumped, his eyes filled with pain as tears stream down his face.

Oh fuck. He thought I was in the shed when it exploded. It’s too similar to what happened to his family. I have to get to him.

I speed up to get to him. I need to make this all better. But as I get closer, a strange lightheadedness hits me, and just as I’m about to reach Eli, I fall to his feet instead.

Then there’s only blackness.

