Page 40 of One Day

The place on my palm where he kissed me burns, and I swear that burn travels all the way up to my heart and lodges there, marking its place.

The surprise of it pushes me off the edge and pulsing into Eli’s mouth, who fights to swallow all of what I’m giving him. Pleasure makes my legs shaky and I let myself slide to the ground.

Eli is still grasping my pant leg. I cover my hand over his, needing to feel grounded by his touch right now.

“Was I ok?” he asks anxiously.

I lean in to kiss him and feel heat sizzle through me at the taste of my cum on his lips. “The best,” I tell him honestly.

He sighs and relaxes against me.

I look around at the vault. He did this. He planned a seduction designed for me.Me.Plenty of men have liked to fuck me. Even more have liked for me to fuck them, but no one has ever cared enough about me to do something like this.

He fucking arranged for me to break into a classic Hendrix-Reed vault and then blew me in it. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

I look over at Eli, his face flushed, swollen lips, and his hard cock igniting a few more scenarios I’d like to play out.

“Are we good to be here a while longer?” I ask?

“All night.”

I was wrong.I pull Eli underneath me.It can get better, and it’s about to.




“We’re doing what?”

“Camping,” Jeb replies cheerily as he deposits more supplies into the shopping cart I’m currently pushing around a big box store.

“Why would we do that—ever?”

His lips turn up in a smirk at my genuine horror at his suggestion. He points toward the mega store window that even I have to admit, has a beautiful view. “Because look at that.”

“This coming from a man who always insists on five-star hotels?” I tease.

“This will be a thousand-star accommodation.” He comes up behind me as I push the cart and cages his arms around me. He whispers in my ear. “I want to sleep with you out there, beneath them. I want to hear your screams echo through the canyon while I make you come.”

It's a good thing the cart is in front of me, hiding my reaction to Jeb’s words, or else the whole store would know how much just a few words from him affect me.Is sex like this for everybody? So rapturous? So all-consuming? So mind-bending?

I’m actually considering agreeing to his plans of voluntarily sleeping in the dark, with wild animals all around us, and without the benefit of walls or a roof to protect us.

“What about Patriots Now?”

“What about them?” Jeb says, rubbing my arms and sending zaps of pleasure through my whole body.Was it just a few weeks ago that I’d only dreamed of what his touch would feel like?“We finished our job early. We deserve to take a few days off.”

We’d just finished breaking into a series ofBiscuit Bucketslocated throughout the south and switching out the money in their safes with counterfeit currency Archie Hendrix had supplied us with. Within the next week, the Patriots Now chain of restaurants known for its discrimination of minorities, and encouraging on-site violence against them, will be closely linked to a notorious counterfeit ring. One more link in the chain of evidence that will bring Leland Banks and the organization he built on hatred down.

And Jeb is right.Though I’ll be damned if I let him know that.Wedidfinishour task early, which means we could technically take a day or two off to… My mind fills with all sorts of possibilities that even the idea of sharing my space with creepy, crawly, little insects doesn’t even distract me from.

“Come on, baby,” he says, and I’m glad I’m wearing my hoodie so he can’t see the chill bumps that pop up on my arms every time he calls me that. He nips me lightly on the side of my neck. “Let’s go mess around under the stars.”

“Fine,” I grumble, unable to resist him. “But there better be lots of messing around.”

* * *