Page 34 of One Day

Again, the idea of looking down and seeing Eli’s mouth stuffed with my cock, my hand in his soft hair, nearly has me rising to my knees to make my vision a reality, but being Eli’s first lover comes with some responsibility in making sure he’s ready and not doing it for some idea of sexual payback.

“You don’t have to do that.” I pull his hand off my cock. “Let’s not take the training wheels off just yet.”

He scowls at me, and I pull back from him and move to the edge of the bed. I know that face. And it’s dangerous. I’ve seen him topple third-world regimes wearing that face.

“Fine,” I say, a plan coming into my head that sends my pulse rocketing.

“You want to give me a blow job?” I grab his ankle and pull him toward me. His eyes go wide with surprise—and something darker.

“The only way to give a great blow job is to get one first.”



South Carolina

Jeb grabs my ankle, and I feel a helpless thrill as he drags me toward him to the edge of the bed. “The only way to give a great blow job is to get one first.”

His hands go to my jeans. He shakes his head. “Had to be difficult and put these back on again when I’d already done all the hard work of taking them off of you.”

Images of us in the bathroom flash through my brain. My hand on his as he pulled my zipper down, and then all the shocking, mind-altering things he did to me afterwards.

If his hand felt so impossibly good on my cock, what will his mouth feel like?

I don’t have to wait long to find out. Jeb has my jeans off and thrown to the other side of the room in seconds.

“Do you have to be so messy?” I gripe.

“Yes.” He leans down to kiss me. “I like getting messy with you.” He kisses me again. “And I think you like getting messy with me.”

I do. I really do.

So caught up in Jeb’s charisma, I just now realize that I’m laying totally naked, spread out on the bed under his gaze. I look up shyly, ready to see his judgment at my skinny body that lacks his own tanned, golden beauty.

Instead, I look up to see the hunger in his half-mast blue eyes as they slowly roam over me, as if savoring the view. Once he’s had a full look, he sends me a dark smile full of promises I can only guess at and gets on his knees. This time, he grabs both my ankles and arranges my legs so they’re draped around his shoulders.

I squirm at the vulnerability of this position. I feel exposed. I’m about to tell him I can’t do this when suddenly my cock is enveloped by his mouth.

I cry out at the shock of pleasure that jackknifes my body. He keeps a hold of me and I can see his amusement at my intense reaction.

Just you wait, I try to promise him with my eyes. I need to remember everything he does to me so I can mimic it, and when it comes time for my turn, I can make him feel as good as he does me.

It was a good plan, but one that lacked practical application. Because it failed to take into account that with a few swirls of his tongue, Jeb would render my cognitive mind useless and unable to remember anything but his name, which I can’t help calling out repeatedly in increasing rates of volume.

Just when I think the pleasure he’s giving me is plateauing, he changes the pace of his talented mouth or adds an innovation, like a light dragging of his teeth over my frenulum, and the heights my body can obtain goes impossibly higher. Perspiration pours from me, my muscles spasm from exhaustion, and my voice is a rough, sandpapery screech as I continue calling to him, begging him to finally let me come. He speeds up his pace, and I can feel my body ready to let go when the strange, wonderful feeling of a finger running lightly over my hole sends me flying past the limits my body thought it could reach as I detonate into Jeb’s mouth.

He greedily drinks me down, and even though my body and mind are still buzzing from the physical high he just gave me, the visual of Jeb swallowing my cum is so intimate that, after denying myself closeness to another being for so long, it releases another wave of pleasure and well-being through me.

I collapse on the bed, boneless. Jeb moves up beside me once again, petting my hair in the way I’ve become addicted to. I want to return the incredible pleasure he just gave me. I just need to rest a bit, and then I’ll turn over and do everything I can to drive Jeb wild.

* * *

Both phones are ringing incessantly, bringing me back to consciousness. I’m wrapped tightly in Jeb’s arms and have to fight my way out of them to find my phone.

As I struggle to get free, Jeb clasps his arms around me tighter, but then he wakes and releases me. I find his phone first and realize mine is still in the pocket of my jeans that Jeb threw across the room.

I pick up his phone and put in his passcode, which I hacked after the first five minutes of knowing him. I look at the screen. It’s Cash calling.