Page 26 of One Day

“I need you to help me fall asleep,” I tell him, which isn’t really a lie. Usually, after a job, I’m wired and need lots of sex and whiskey to help me come down enough to get some rest. Tonight, feeling Eli’s weight against me will be all I need.

Finally, he nods, shyly approaches me, and climbs in the bed. At the first touch of him, I wrap my arms around him, fold him against me, and take a deep breath of his scent. Sleep hits me almost instantly, and as I slip into unconsciousness, my last thought is ‘I’ve missed this.’

* * *

It's a little after midday when I wake up with my arms still tangled around Eli. The slight pause in his breathing tells me he’s awake. All the other times I’ve woken with him clinging to me, he’s been dead ass asleep, and I’ve slid out from under him and gone to take care of the erection being near him gives me, but now there’s no way he can’t feel my hard cock pressing against him.

He's positioned in a way that I can’t tell if I’m having the same effect on him. It takes every bit of willpower I have not to reach over and find out.

This is so not like me. When I want something, I take it. I never second-guess myself, but it’s different with Eli. I’ve seen the looks he gives me. He wants me. I know he does, but I need him to be the one to cross the line between partners and lovers. A word or an action that shows me he’s ready for everything I want to do with him.

“Morning,” I say, unable to keep the deep burr of want for him out of my voice.

“As usual, you have no concept of time. You’re off by about twelve hours,” Eli snarks at me.

I grin. I must really be getting to him if he’s starting out with this level of attitude when he’s barely opened his eyes. One of these days, I’m going to put that sharp tongue of his to better use than sniping at me.

In the meantime, I’ll give him more to get snarky about.

I shift slightly so I can put my mouth against his ear. “Morning or night, it doesn’t matter. Waking up with you like this makes it good,” I whisper to him, enjoying his slight shiver at my words.

This time he doesn’t bite back at me, but uses work as an escape route out of my arms. “I need to check my computers. I’ve been offline for hours. There could be an emergency.”

“There’d be an alert on your watch if shit hit the fan,” I tell him, not quite ready to let him go. I tighten my arms around him. “Twenty more minutes.”

“Fine,” he says, trying to sound gruff and put out, but I can feel how he burrows against me.

I guess we're both agreeing to ignore my hard-on for the time being.

“Are we moving on tomorrow?” Eli asks.

“We can’t,” I reply.

“Is there another job in Memphis you want to pull?”

“No, but we’re in Memphis, which means tomorrow’s agenda is a visit to Graceland and then a big plate of ribs and some blues on Beale Street,” I tell him, and before he can huff in protest, I add, “And yes, it is really necessary that we do all of it.”

“Necessary?” he challenges.

Of course, it’s necessary. One more moment with Eli, showing him something new. One more experience we share together. One more moment that might cause him to always remember the summer we spent together—to always remember me.

“Yes,” I say as I rest my head on the curve of his shoulder. “Necessary,” I murmur, my lips placing a barely-there kiss against his skin before I close my eyes and fall asleep until morning.




“Do you not know the word stealth?” I scream at Jeb as he shifts the Challenger into second gear and takes a corner at an impossible speed. My stomach twists as I can hear the rocks fall off the curvy mountain road and down to the ravine below. “I thought thieves were supposed to be sneaky.”

When we stopped at the Patriots Now-owned casino tonight, I thought it was to spend the night so we could observe its operations and make a plan to rob it within the next week.

Jeb muttered something about not wanting to stay the night somewhere that had moldy carpets and slow slot machines, then proceeded to rob the place.

A casino.One of the highest secured, best surveilled institutions he could have picked, and he didn’t even bother to warn me of his plans.

Jeb looks into the rearview mirror to keep track of our pursuers. “Where’s the fun in that?”