Page 18 of One Day

I blush. I hadn’t realized my feelings for Jeb were so transparent. Does everybody know? Does Jeb?I want to run and hide.Was that what was behind his offer of a hand job? Was he feeling sorry for me as his hard-up, needy partner?

Johnny points to me. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?” I ask, still reeling from embarrassment.

“That thing where you get too deep in your head. You’re twenty years old. There’s no shame in liking to look at Jeb or even wanting to do more than look.” He sneers like he doesn’t want to admit to the words he’s about to say. “Like I said earlier, the bastard is pretty.”

“We’re just partners,” I rush to assure him.

“Sure ya are.”

“I don’t like what you’re implying,” I say, and it comes off prissy, even to my ears

Johnny takes a long look at me. “Actually, maybe this whole road trip thing isn’t such a bad idea for you. Jeb might be the perfect guy for theand morepart. He’s good at getting you to relax and live in the moment. You deserve to let loose and have some fun with him if you want.”

I give up trying to convince Johnny that I don’t want Jeb. “Jeb wouldn’t ever want me like that, not really,” I mumble.

Johnny gives a long, dark chuckle. “You’ll find out differently soon enough.”

I’m about to contradict him, but he speaks before I can get the words out. “And when you do, just remember it’s okay to let yourself have what he’s offering as long as you realize that Jebediah Jones is a good time and nothing more.” He meets my eyes. “Ya get what I’m saying?”

I nod my head in agreement to put Johnny at ease.

“Good,” he winks at me. “Cause if he hurts you, I’ll make sure the rat bastard never has such a pretty face again.”




“It’s just not right.”

“It’s a fucking apple-red, 1964Corvette,” Daisy says, her voice full of annoyance. “How can it not be right?”

I quirk my head, trying to imagine Eli riding in the Corvette next to me. Something about the image clashes.

“The vibe is off,” I tell her. “I don’t want any bad mojo for this trip. It needs to be perfect.”

“Perfect for Eli, you mean?” Daisy says.

“He’s my partner,” I say in defense. “I want him to be comfortable.”

“When are you going to admit you want more than for Eli to be comfy?” Daisy challenges.

To Daisy, definitely not today. But to myself, that was this morning’s realization. Waking up to Eli in my arms again delivered that message better thanUPSever could. My cock was straining against him again, but it was the way my hands shook with the need to touch his skin and record his every response to memory. The way my lips ached to kiss him awake, wind him up tight as a coil, and then watch his face as I brought him to release.

I want—no. IneedEli to be mine. Just temporarily, of course. I’m nobody's long-term game plan, but I’ve come to realize that the only way to get over my obsession with Eli is to get under him—or over him. I’m not picky.

It’s going to take a little time and effort. Eli is like the latest version of the Hendrix Safe—hard to crack. It will take some precision handling and a sensitive touch to get him to open up to me.

It will take a great thief.

“I’m waiting.” Daisy impatiently flicks me on the arm to get my attention back to our conversation. “Admit that you have the hots for Eli.”

I turn toward her. “What about you?” I ask, knowing that the best defense is always a good offense. “Now that Cash’s dad is in a coma and most of his big, bad motorcycle club are in jail awaiting federal charges, what are your plans?”

Daisy flips her vibrant red hair. “What do you mean?”