Page 13 of One Day

“This is a meeting. Not a-a —” his eyes flicker at me and then quickly back to Johnny. “A make-out session,” Eli says primly. “We need to get back to business because we have a lot of ground to cover before tonight.”

Daisy leans over the table and turns off the blaring siren. “What’s happening tonight?”

Eli takes a big gulp of his energy drink. “I’m leaving to go back to New York.”


Johnny moves to a sitting position, running a hand through his post-make-out hair. “You weren’t supposed to leave for a couple of weeks.”

He carefully avoids looking at me as he speaks, “That was initially my intention, but yesterday made me recalibrate my original plans. I believe Brady will make a more fitting partner for Jeb, as he has more field experience and I need to return my focus to data analysis.”

Cash cocks his head at Eli, trying to reason out his sudden departure. “Even if Brady starts working with Jeb, you don’t have to leave us. Why can’t you continue to work out of Lexington?”

He flounders. “F-for logistical reasons.”

“When?” Cash asks, looking at his watch.

“I booked the last flight out tonight.”

“We’re going to miss you,” Daisy says sadly.

“No, we’re not,” I say. “Because he’s not going anywhere.”

My statement has the same effect as Eli’s buzzer. Suddenly, everyone’s attention is on me—including Eli’s.

“Cancel your flight,” I tell him.

“I can’t.” He shakes his head. “It’s already booked,” he says, like it’s something impossible I’d asked for, and not something he can accomplish by punching the right buttons on his keyboard.

I get up from my chair and walk to the table to stand directly in front of him. “You’re not getting on that fucking plane tonight, even if it means I have to lock you up in handcuffs again.”

“Handcuffs?” Daisy says from behind me. “Wait. Did you sayagain?”

I ignore her, because at that moment, no one else in the room matters but Eli. “I’m not going to need the handcuffs to keep you here, though, Eli, because I have something you want.”

His cheeks flame fire red, but he bravely lifts his chin and meets my eyes. “What is it that I want, Jebediah?”

“I have a solid plan to take down Patriots Now by the end of the summer,” I tell him. “But if you walk, so do I—and I take my plan with me.”

“How am I supposed to know this plan of yours would even work?” Eli counters.

“Because I’m good.” I wink at him. “And you know it. You just told me so yourself, not ten minutes ago.”

“This is blackmail,” he huffs.

I shrug. “It’s just another way of stealing what I want,” I tell him. “And Eli?”


“Just in case there was any doubt. Let me be clear.” I pause and let my eyes roam over him. “What I want is you.”




“Just in case there was any doubt. Let me be clear. What I want is you,” Jeb says. My heart seizes at his words, but then he speaks again, “As my partner, of course.”