Page 92 of Prove You Wrong

The mirror at the back of the bar shows I’m looking a little pale, and now I’ve stopped moving, I realise I’ve got clammy hands and a sick feeling to go with my racing heart. ‘I’d offer to help, but you hardly seem run off your feet.’ I dip my head to the empty seats along the rest of the bar. ‘I’ll have a lime and soda, please.’

‘Trouble in paradise?’ Geoff asks, nodding to Scott, when Scott heads off to make my drink.

‘No clue what’s pissing in his beer,’ I reply.

Scott’s been really cranky lately, but I’ve been too wrapped up in my own shit to dig into his issues. He’s usually grumpy, but the last week or so he’s been fucking petulant.

I catch sight of the end of the bar, where I’d laid Ella in front of me all those nights ago, and the sick feeling churning in my gut is soothed a little. Girlfriend, huh? Well, I’ve got Chloe’s approval.

Shit, what if Ella’s not into the idea? She didn’t want to date me, let alone be anything more.

I take my phone out of my pocket, ignoring the annoying red dots that seem to hover over almost every app and open up my photos, finding a selfie of Ella and me.

‘So, you took my advice?’ Geoff eyeballs my screen. ‘You went for it?’

‘Yeah,’ I reply simply, unable to say more because of the inane grin on my face.

Scott dumps my drink down with a grunt. ‘I guess you’re not wanting any more shifts now you’ve found yourlady friend.’ He makes air quotes with his fingers.

‘I’m not gonna let you down. I’ll do my usual, but no, thank you, I don’t want to be doing any extra right now.’

‘It’s coming up to the busiest time of year,’ he huffs.

I peer around the virtually empty pub before fixing my gaze back on him.

‘Really? Maybe you should hire some more help. Help stir this place up a bit.’

God knows if he won’t takemyideas, he needs to take someone else’s.

‘Can I trouble you for another Margarita?’ Pauline asks.

Brilliant timing. My brother hates that the cocktail menu has been well-received. I direct my smirk towards my drink to avoid more of Scott’s wrath.

Scott gives her a lukewarm smile and reaches for the limes.

‘It is a bit quiet, isn’t it?’ asks Geoff.

‘It’s midweek. People are saving for Christmas,’ Scott replies.

‘What about a theme night for Christmas eve?’ Pauline’s eyes light up. ‘That’d be fun.’

‘I usually close early on Christmas Eve.’

‘Not sure that’s the best business model,’ I murmur.

Scott fixes me a look which tells me all the things he wants to say but doesn’t, like, if I was so good at business, why did I fail out of uni? If I was such a bold entrepreneur, why didn’t I take Chunk up on his offer? Why don’t I fuck off? It’s all conveyed in that one look.

He wouldn’t say any of it because he’s not a bellend like me. I remember tearing into him with vicious words when I was younger, when I was trying to make other people hurt as much as I was.

I’m forever grateful I was forgiven.

Suitably chastised, I try to be constructive. ‘What about a big night some other time?’

‘New Year’s?’ suggests Geoff.

As they’re swapping ideas, my phone buzzes in my hand.

Ella: Night night xx