‘Depends on whether she noticed your jumper is on inside out,’ I mumble. ‘And that I’m not wearing a bra.’
His hands move immediately to my back and he groans into my mouth as he kisses me.
‘So, where is she then?’
‘Who?’ I pull away a fraction.
‘Rusty. May as well take a peek now I’m here.’
Ifind Chunk in the kitchen mixinga protein shake. ‘Dude, please can I borrow the Ranger tomorrow morning?’
‘Sure.’ He takes a swig before eyeballing me in his meaningful way. ‘You know, if you came to work for me properly, I’d get you one as a company car.’
I pat Chunk on the back in thanks, while inwardly grimacing at the thought of failing at that, too. It’s nice he thinks so highly of me, but it’d no doubt put a strain on our friendship if I fuck up his business. Fucking things up has been known to be my specialty. One day he’ll get the message and stop asking.
‘What time do you need it? Got time for a workout in the morning too?’
‘No, sorry, a bunch of stuff has come up.’
He runs his fingers through his hair. ‘You got another workout buddy, now? You flaked out on me yesterday too.’
I shoot him a sheepish grin. ‘Next time I’ll be there.’
Reaching my arms above my head, I feel the burn of a stretch. My body’s in bits. Up all night texting Ella, and then after, I couldn’t sleep for thinking about her. That, combined with hauling my bike a couple of miles yesterday, has almost finished me off. Perhaps I shouldn’t blow off Chunk again, although working out with Ella was entirely more fun.
‘What’s that grin for?’ Chunk raises an eyebrow at me. Prick can read my mind.
‘Nothing.’ I shoot him a grin. ‘Right, I’m off. I’ve got a shift at the pub.’
I bat at my phone until the alarm stops. Squinting through the curtains, I can see it’s still dark outside. Getting in late from The Bull means I only managed a few hours’ sleep, I’m not usually awake this time on a Monday morning.
I can’t believe I’m worried about what I’m wearing but I want to make a good impression, so I pull on a shirt. Chunk’s ironed it to military perfection and I’m infinitely grateful to my neat-freak friend.
Unsure what time Ella needs to be at work or when her sister is due in school, I arrive at their house at half seven to be safe. As I ring the bell, the smell of toast is filtering to outside, making my stomach rumble.
Ella looks like an angel when she pulls the door back. She’s wearing a smart blouse and skirt, hair piled on top of her head. This sexy secretary persona is almost making me reconsider an office job.
‘This is a nice surprise. What are you doing here?’ She leans on the door frame, tucking one leg behind the other.
I plunge my hands in my jeans pockets, only now concerned my offer may not be wanted. ‘You mentioned the part you need for Rusty won’t arrive for a few days. So, I thought I’d give you a lift to work.’
‘That’s … wow.’ Her eyes grow wide. ‘Amazing.’ I give her a bashful grin as she opens the door wider, swooping her arm back. ‘Come in.’
Stepping into the narrow front hall, my eyes lock on Ella’s lips as I crowd her, about to kiss her, but Chloe appears.
‘Did you say lift?’ She’s almost bouncing. ‘Can I get a ride?’
‘Chloe! So rude.’ Ella tuts, a flush coming to her cheeks as she somehow extricates herself from me.
‘I’m happy to.’ I shrug.
‘You don’t need to … ’ Ella says, shaking her head, a lock of hair coming loose from where she’s tied it up.
‘I want to,’ I counter.