Page 72 of Prove You Wrong

‘It’s one of my most favourite things in the world.’ Our eyes lock and I can’t stop my grin growing wider.

He squeezes my hand and I love the way his rough, calloused fingertips feel on mine.

Our feet crunch in the old fallen leaves as we wander along the river bank towards the city.

‘Everything okay with your friend?’ he asks softly.

‘I’m sorry I had to leave like that,’ I reply, bringing my hand to his bicep.

‘It’s alright,’ he says softly. ‘Of course you had to go after her.’

I swallow, the weight of a hundred thoughts crashing through my brain at once. ‘I feel like I owe you an explanation.’

‘About Josie?’

‘No, about me. About Dee.’ I risk a glance at him, but his intense eyes make me look away. I should give my side of the story before I lose my nerve. I need to address what happened with him.

Doesn’t mean I’m going to enjoy it.

We walk along in silence while I try to pick my words, don’t want to go into daddy-drama now.

‘I overreacted,’ I say eventually. ‘I thought I’d come out of the ladies to find you hitting on some other woman. Except — ’

‘I told you I never — ’ he tries to interrupt.

‘Oh, I know,’ I rush to agree. ‘Dee explained. I jumped to conclusions, I’m sorry.’

‘Please don’t apologise.’ He stops his stride, turning to me. ‘I’m guessing something’s happened to you … that’s made it hard to trust people.’

I nod, reassured he’s understood but isn’t pushing me.

‘You don’t have to talk about it unless you want to.’ He squeezes my hand again. With a lighter voice he says, ‘You might have noticed, I’d really like to earn your trust so … you can ask me anything. I want to be open with you.’ He shines that dimple at me as if it’s a challenge and then turns and we carry on walking.

One questionhaskept niggling at me every time I’ve gone over the events of the other night, but I’m not sure how to ask it.

‘Dee seemed lovely.’ I choose my words carefully. ‘Quite drunk though. Tactile. Bit of an over-sharer.’

‘That’s an understatement,’ he laughs.

‘So, I have a question.’ I look up at him as we walk along.‘How did you get into collecting her … what did she call it? Liquid gold?’ I roll the words around my tongue, the phrase is new to me and I kind of like how it sounds. Empowered.‘She told me quite the story and I’ll be honest,’ I chuckle, ‘she probably shared a little too much.’

Nate laughs. ‘I forgot she calls it that. That’s an easy question.’ He catches my eye. ‘I volunteer at the hospital. Pick stuff up, deliver it. Saves them money on taxis or delivery firms.’

My feet stumble as I pause. ‘Wow, that’s — ’

He shrugs with a small smile. ‘Least I can do.’ Pointing down the street, he says, ‘We’re almost there, hope you’re hungry.’

Little Treat is heaving inside. We’re shown to a table by a living wall, luscious with succulents and ferns.

‘There’s too much to choose from,’ I say as I pore over the menu. ‘It all looks so good.’

‘Let’s get the Big Treat sharing platter.’ Nate studies the card. ‘Looks like it has two of everything.’

‘Perfect.’ I set the menu down with a tap. ‘Seeing as Helena’s sulking and I had to get the bus, I’m going to get a cocktail, too.’

‘Sex on the Beach?’ Nate cocks an eyebrow.

‘You gonna join me?’ I flick my brow right back.