Huddling together as we walk, we pick our way along the pavement.
‘I’ve totally fucked up your date.’ She sighs. ‘And it’s gonna take ages to walk to my car.’
‘Time for you to tell me about what’s up.’I nudge her.
‘You go first. What happened?’ She dips her head back towards the club. ‘I thought it had all gone wrong for you. I’d never have come otherwise.’
The misunderstanding flashes through my head again and I feel warmth spread to my cheeks. Wishing I could fall into a hole, I settle for burying my head on her shoulder.
‘I overreacted.’
‘Go on.’
I raise my head back up so I don’t break my neck on our stagger to the car. 'I saw him with this other woman. Completely flipped out.’ I shake my head at my embarrassing overreaction. ‘Ran off. Spoke to you. Then they found me, she — Dee — explained. I’d got it wrong. Now, I feel like a total fool.’
Josie is quiet for a moment. ‘He's not like your Dad.’ She gives me a squeeze.‘I see how he looks at you.’
‘I guess I worry history will … repeat itself.’
‘After what you and your mum went through? It’s only natural you’d flip out if you thought it was happening again. But … everything’s okay now?’
My phone buzzes and a message from Nate fills the screen.
I find a smile creeping across my lips. ‘Yes. Despite the misunderstanding, it was such a great night. He just texted me.’
I tap out a reply to Nate and chuckle at his immediate reply.
‘You like this guy, huh?’
‘Gah! I didn’t mean to. You know this was just supposed to be a bit of fun. But — ’
‘But when you react like a prize prick, you realise there’s more to it than that.’
I bury my face back on her shoulder for a moment. ‘Pretty much.’
‘I’m happy for you.’
‘My neurosis about cheating and infidelity is definitely something I need to work on.’ I swipe my hair off my face as I talk. ‘But somehow, I feel with Nate … ’ biting my lip, I pause to choose my words, ‘maybe if anyone can help me work through it, it’s him.’ The last part comes out as a whisper. I can’t quite believe I’m saying it out loud.
Josie’s eyes widen. ‘Looks like my advice paid off for once.’ A rueful smile flashes on her face briefly as she says, ‘Although …I told you to blow off some steam. I didn’t expect you to fall in love.’
We reach her bright yellow Beetle as I say, ‘Who said anything aboutlove?’ I make air quotes. ‘I’m in seriouslike, alright?’
‘If you say so,’ she snickers.
We get in and slam our doors. Josie starts the engine, fans on full to try and get the heat through.
I cover the hand-break with my hand. ‘Spill the beans, my friend. No excuses now we’re here.’
‘You remember that guy I told you about?’
‘The zombie?’
‘Scott.’ She hesitates. ‘So … he got to know me a little better and is no longer interested.’
‘What?’ I shriek.
Josie shrugs and puts the car into gear to pull away.