‘Hell yeah,’ someone nearby calls out.
‘Not tonight, Liam.’ Nate pulls me forward. ‘This is Ella. Ella, Liam.’
‘You’re new.’ Liam casts an eye over me before scanning back to Nate.
Before anything else is said, there’s a squeal. Nate and I turn to see a woman with bottle-red hair careering in. ‘Nate’s back! That means body shots.’
She launches herself at Nate, long legs wrapping around his waist as she clings to him. Hands on her butt, he lifts her easily onto the bar, like he’s done it a hundred times before.
‘Maybe another time.’ He smiles at her.
In a flash she jumps up to balance on the bar, giving us all an eyeful of what she hasn’t got on under her tiny skirt.
‘We still need Tequila to celebrate,’ she calls out before jumping off the bar into some other guy’s arms.
He swirls her round, tipping her backwards as she locks on to him. A constellation of purple dots curls around the inside of his elbow and I try to avert my eyes, but it’s hard not to look as Red and Track Marks grind against the bar.
Wonder if she’s dry humped Nate on the edge of the bar, too? With that skirt situation, she may be doing more thandryhumping.
Who are these people Nate’s friends with?
Liam leans forward, watching me eyeballing the display. ‘Don’t mind Angel. She’s friendly with everyone … if you know what I mean. I’m sure Nate will tell you.’
Nate turns back from fist bumping and high fiving with some guys next to us.
‘Tell you what?’
‘How friendly Angel is.’ I raise my eyebrow as he blanches.
Strobe lighting illuminates the scene and I try not to stare at the nature documentary taking place a metre away.
Before I can overthink, or panic, we’re interrupted with yet more people coming to say hi, clapping him on the back and smothering him in bro hugs. Nate introduces me to several more people, names lost in the noise and confusion. Quite a few beautiful women give me a cold smile and I can’t help but wonder how friendly they’ve been with Nate, too. Meeting his friends has been eye-opening to say the least.
Perhaps this date wasn’t a good idea.
The rumble of a chant swells. ‘Shots. Shots. Shots.’
Several people at the bar are banging on the wooden surface in rhythm.
‘Easy,’ Nate laughs, gesturing for people to calm down, ‘Maybe later.’
He flags down Liam and I order a beer while Nate gets a low alcohol version. Thank goodness he isn’t planning on drinking and driving later.
Drinks served, Nate indicates to a darkened corner. ‘Let’s head to a booth.’
‘We can stay with your friends if you want.’ I glance over to the raucous crew.
He leans in, murmuring right into my ear, ‘I’d rather talk to you.’
My nerves jangle as I take his hand and weave through the melee. Feeling out of my depth, I wonder how much experience he must have compared to little ol’ me. Twisting round, I peek back at the throng of long-lost friends at the bar. He seems to be very popular here. And he works in a pub. He has women on tap, really.
What did I discuss with Josie? Have some fun. See what happens. Don’t overthink it. Was I aiming for a hookup? I clearly wouldn’t be his first. Scanning the bar, I probably wouldn’t even be his twelfth.
Jeez, I’m lying to myself aboutonlywanting a hookup. From the grip of his calloused hand in mine, down to my ridiculous stilettos, a warmth is curling through me. I feel it whenever we’re together.
The date we had at The Wreck was too elaborate to lead to a one-night stand.