Nate reaches out to me, pulling me to my feet. ‘Too busy hunting cocktails, huh?’ He smirks. ‘I know just the place a few streets away.’
Chapter 19
An icy blast buffets us as we exit into the night air and I wrap my blazer around me tightly. Nate takes my hand, his thumb stroking my knuckles as we walk along. A zip of electricity dances between our fingertips.
As we wait at a crossing, Nate pulls me round to face him, his arms linking around my back. ‘I’ve really enjoyed tonight.’ He dips forward, his soft lips find mine and the tingle of electricity morphs into a thunderbolt crashing straight through me.
My hands snake into his hair, his stubble gives a soft scratch as we deepen the kiss. When his tongue swipes across mine, I can’t stop a little moan from escaping into his mouth.
His warmth engulfs me and I press closer, drawn towards him. A sensation of heat and anticipation awakens between my thighs.
His kiss is thorough, unhurried. Time stopping.
He pulls back slightly, not quite breaking the kiss. ‘Sorry, I've been wanting to do that all evening,’ he murmurs against my lips.‘All week, in fact.’
‘Don't apologise.’ Thank God it’s dark, I can't keep the stupid lust-struck grin off my face.
‘It was so hard to walk away from you after the treehouse.’ Forehead locked on mine, he punctuates his words with kisses. ‘I felt like we were doing things backwards. I needed you to know the real me. I want you to trust me.’ He works his mouth along my jaw. ‘Do you trust me?’
‘Mmm, hmm,’ is all I can manage. Because right now, I do. There’s no sense to it. No logic. Just feelings.
He sucks on the sensitive spot behind my ear and I gasp, hot breath misting into the air.
‘Shit, it’s too cold for this,’ he growls. ‘Let’s head to the club and get warmed up.’
The beeps indicating it’s safe to cross sound and he pulls me into his side as we carry on our journey.
His lips find the top of my head, and I sigh into him, our breath puffing out like miniature ghosts as we walk along. We round a corner and I see lights and a queue of people ahead.
Nate asks, ‘Have you been to Bash before?’
‘No. You?’
‘I haven’t been for a little while.’
We arrive at a curious looking building and join the back of the line. He wraps his arms around me while we wait and I take in the architecture.
‘This place is a converted ballroom,’ Nate says, jerking his head towards some ripped posters on the wall advertising battle of the bands and a Foo Fighters cover band. ‘Now it’s a rock club.’
A kooky rock venue isn’t what I was expecting, but I’m relieved this isn’t some swanky nightclub with esoteric electro beats.
‘Thought you might want to relive your youth,’ he says, nuzzling his lips into my hair.
‘You saying I’m old?’ I swat him on the chest and chuckle. ‘Actually – ’ I eye one poster suspiciously. ‘It’s not a foam party tonight, is it?’
‘Not tonight.’ Nate skims his hands up and down my back. ‘Foam parties not your thing?’
I scrunch my nose. ‘Maybe they were one time.’
‘They’re usually a good night.’ He dips his voice and rumbles, so only I can hear, ‘You’d be soaked by the end,’ sending a tremble right through me. ‘I would love to see you all wet like that.’
As we queue to get in, I note the people around us have adopted a dress code of leather, denim and black to compliment eye-watering facial piercings and some beautiful tattoos. Nate’s leather jacket fits in perfectly with the others waiting in line, unlike my smart apparel. I’m embarrassingly overdressed.
‘Shit. Hold this.’ I take off my blazer and pass it to Nate.
Chilled goosebumps flare on my exposed skin.