‘You made brownies?’ She sits up straighter, intrigued.
‘Trail mix ones.’ I waggle my eyebrows. ‘Tried to keep it on theme.’
She reaches in to prise out a piece from the tin. ‘But, you actually baked these?’
‘Yeah,’ I shrug again and then shove a piece in my mouth so I don’t need to answer any more tough questions like, why the hell I’m doing something like baking for some silly want-to-prove-you-wrong date.
The truth is, the moment she agreed to go on a date, the moment I got a chance to show her she’d misjudged me, my imagination ran wild. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking up ways to make this date better and better.
‘Mmm,’ she groans. ‘These are delicious.’ She licks her fingers with relish and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop thinking about that mouth doing anything else.
I cough and then try to bring the subject back around to her. ‘You did really well tonight. Facing your fears.’
‘If I’d known a stunning, luxury treehouse with hot chocolate and brownies was awaiting me, I wouldn’t have thought twice about launching myself down the zipwire.’ Suddenly, she gasps. ‘Oh, look!’
In the distance there’s an explosion of white and gold stars.
‘Looks like someone has some fireworks left over from Guy Fawkes night.’ She sits forward and points when there’s another flare of greens and pinks, her face shining with a kind of sweet innocence.
Fuck, she’s beautiful. Doesn’t matter what she’s doing. Fixing a car, writhing on a bar, captivated by fireworks. I’m hooked.
‘Looks like we’re in for a treat.’ My voice comes out tight and raspy, and I take another sip, trying to play it cool and not to give away the surprise.
Knowing Ella had missed bonfire night last week, I’d asked Chunk to give us our own little display. His parting words to me earlier were to make sure we were in the treehouse by eight, andnow, we were officially even on favours. I don’t know where he managed to find so many fireworks after Bonfire night, so I think, actually, I’m back to owing him again.
As she leans back to watch, I move my arm out and she snuggles into the gap, tucked right against my side.
I relish the feel of her steady breaths, the warmth of her imprint on me. I don’t know how long this will last, so all my attention has gone to cataloguing these feelings.
You could light a firework in this cabin and I’d be too absorbed in her to notice.
‘They’re my favourite,’ she says and I rip my eyes from her face to see the dying light of some zigzagging white trails.
There’re a few more explosions and then the sky falls dark once more.
‘Wow, that was amazing.’
I file her compliments away, ready to relay them back to Chunk, along with reports on his high ropes illuminations and the treehouse.
‘I’m glad I came out with you tonight.’ Ella’s eyes flick to mine. ‘It’s been fun.Scary, but fun.’ A shy smile creeps across her face. ‘And definitely not what I was expecting.’ She takes a deep swig of her hot chocolate, then rolls her lips together as if to savour every last iota of flavour.
My gaze falls on a smudge of brown on her lip. I watch as her pink tongue flicks out over the chocolate, not quite capturing it.
Fixated on her mouth, it’s taking all my strength to restrain myself from leaning in to her.I don’t know how much longer I can control myself.
Well, this was a pretty bloody perfect date. I’m so wired from it all, the accomplishment, the thought he’s put into it, the unexpected fireworks, the chocolate. He baked, for goodness sake! I’m genuinely concerned my pants might melt off from need alone.
The crap I gave him abouthimbeing the bad influence, yet here I am, fantasising about sex in a treehouse. Such a freaking hypocrite.
I’ve got to remember my priorities, remember my sister, remember that Nate is … what is he? The only thing I know for sure is that he’s fuckingdelectable.
I finish my hot chocolate. Damn, that was almost as satisfying as his work in the bar when he … nope, do not think about that. My eyes flick to his lips. Too late, I’m already thinking about it.