Page 48 of Prove You Wrong

He catches his breath and then pushes himself up again. Lowering a hand to pull me firmly to my feet.

‘You faced your fears up there. This calls for a celebration.’

‘Does it still count if I had to be literally pushed into it?’ I stumble as I get to my feet, finding myself pulled closer to him still.

‘Don’t be so hard on yourself.’ With a hand to my back, he steadies me. ‘You took the final step yourself.’ His eyes lock on mine and I can’t look away. I don’t want to. ‘You had the opportunity to stop and take the ladder. More than once.’ He tips my chin up gently and it feels like he’s examining my soul. ‘Youmade the brave choice.’ I swallow and he pauses before saying, ‘And don’t worry, everyone needs a bit of a push to take a giant leap every now and then. Even Neil Armstrong.’


‘Nah.’ He flashes me a grin. ‘I bet he was chomping at the bit to get out on the moon.’

I wallop his arm and he chuckles. Deep and low.

‘Let’s get unhooked. I’ve got another surprise for you.’

Chapter 15


Once I’ve pulled Ella up from the landing zone, I can’t quite let her go. Her hand in mine, her body against me, it feels so fucking right. This is harder than I thought it would be. It had seemed like a great idea. Take Ella on a date, show her how mature and restrained I am. Show her she can trust me. Trust me to keep her safe. Trust me not to rail her into next week and then leave her high and dry.

Chunk’s request for me to trial run his latest endeavour was a gift.

Or, I thought it was.

A unique experience with privacy and a chance for me to show her I can be better than the man she’s judged me to be. The man I had been. But in the darkness, this trust that I’ve been so eager to prove, it’s too intimate, almost impossible not to break.

Her determination is fucking hot. There’s a shine to her eyes. I could tell she was terrified but she did it anyway. I feel honoured to witness her resilience.

Honestly, I miscalculated her fear factor. It hadn’t crossed my mind she’d never done high ropes before. I know Chunk’s set up is safe so I’d not considered how anxiety-inducing the course could be. I thought I’d be guiding her through the adventure in the darkness, heightening the senses, offering a little bit of adrenaline to give her a rush.

But this has turned out to be so much more.

She’smore. I feel foolish for underestimating her.

I don’t have the right to be proud of her. I barely know her. But I want to know more. And I want to see her overcome all of her obstacles. Be the one to see that look on her face when she succeeds.

This bloody harness is cramping my junk big time, but perhaps I should be grateful for that. Don’t want to scare her off.

Shit, I want to kiss her so badly. But that would prove her right. Show I’m just some animal who can’t control himself. This can’t be about what I want, what my dick wants. This needs to be about showing her I’m worthy of her.

I’m trying to be, anyway.

Before launching off the platform, I’d checked my watch, we’ve got about half an hour before my next surprise for Ella. I’m not sure how long the walk will take by torchlight, so I need to get us moving.

Ella’s hand, still locked in mine, feels hot from where she’s gripped the rope. I guide her to the exit, and drag our trolleys off the end of the course.

I pick out a trail into the darkened forest, retracing my steps from earlier today when I set everything up. Ella keeps her fingers threaded into mine as we venture up the dim footpath, which is gradually climbing uphill.

As we walk, we chat easily about Chunk’s illuminations.

Reaching a fork, I lead us to the right and then, before long, there’s a glimmer ahead.

Ella’s words tail off, mid-sentence, as the scene comes into view.

Using the leftover decorations from the illuminations, I’d wrapped a tree with golden lights. There’d been enough left for the trunk and the ladder that runs up it, which are now radiating a soft, gentle glow.

‘Wow, what is this place?’ She picks up speed, dragging me forwards to get a better look.