Page 47 of Prove You Wrong

His hands remain firm on my shoulders, reassuring me I can take a step backwards, away from the brink.

I oblige and already feel the stranglehold on my chest loosen. I feel the pressure of his hands manoeuvre me and somehow, I’ve turned around, facing him. I angle the torch so I don’t dazzle him.

‘I know what you’re trying to do here.’ I flash him a wry smile. ‘But if I plummet to my death, it’ll really undermine your efforts.’

He steps forward, raising an eyebrow. ‘And what am I trying to do?’

‘Pretend you’re not a bad guy. Save me from something scary so you can get laid.’

His hands slide from my shoulders, down my arms, to my hips, then around and over my backside until he grasps each thigh.

‘Nope,’ he growls, actions clashing with words.

Without warning he lifts me up, so I’m sitting in mid-air, all my weight supported by the line and his arms. I let out a traitorous squeal of surprise.

‘The harness has got you.’ He glides me closer, dipping his head to mine. ‘You’re safe.’

I can only whimper.

‘Breathe,’ he whispers.

I suck in the cold night air. He exaggerates his inhales and exhales and I follow until I’m back in control of my breath.

Now calm, I notice how close we are. I can see each individual curl of his eyelashes. The way his stubble glitters in the light. I want to close the gap, wrap my suspended legs around his waist and kiss him.

He seems to sense this and pulls me nearer, gaze locked on mine.

‘You want to do this?’

I nod, not sure if I’m agreeing to the zip line or a kiss.

‘Do you trust me?’ His silvery-blue eyes are wide.

I dip my head slightly, unable to look away.

‘I’ll be right behind you.’ As the words leave his lips, he spins me around and steers me toward the edge of the platform.

‘No, wait.’ I reach back, clinging on to him, desperate to not be launched over the edge.

He pulls me in towards him. ‘It’s okay. We can do the ladder.’ His voice is kind, patient.

I take my weight down onto my feet. ‘It’s not that. Let me do it myself.’

His eyes sparkle in the fairy lights. I shoot him an anxious grin, suck in the deepest breath I can muster, swivel, and launch myself over the edge.

I’m free.

The wind whips at my face. Distant trees flash by as I hurtle along. A whoop of exhilaration leaps from my chest. The glow from the landing area veers closer and I realise once you’re on the zipline, head torch shining, there isn’t a dark, scary patch, you take your own light with you all the way. It’s a hell of a ride. It just seems scary from the outside.

Suddenly, the landing area is rushing towards me and before I know it, I’m scuffing and dragging my legs through bark chippings.

Sitting myself up, I scoop some bark in my hand and toss it into the air like confetti. ‘Woohoo!’

The shout of, ‘Yes, Ella,’ echoes through the forest and I realise Nate is hurtling along the line. Before I can move, he’s already touched down, and is running towards me.

‘You did it!’ He pulls me into a hug and I grip onto him, pulling him back down onto the ground, on top of me.

His broad shoulders feel ripped through his jacket and I can’t help but like the feeling of his arms pinned on either side of me. He laughs, and his breath falls on my cheek. His face is mere millimetres from mine and I long to feel those lips again, but after accusing him of having only one thing on his mind, I feel stupid, and shy.