I eye the ladder. ‘You want help with that or not?’
Chapter 14
Surprised Ella conceded to let me pick her up before our date, it also makes me happy. Maybe it’s old fashioned but I like the idea of driving her, plus I get to spend a little more time with her and, surely, it can only serve to demonstratehow upstanding and responsible I am.
Having used it all day to run supplies to The Wreck, I’m still driving Chunk’s Ranger. I park outside her house and take a deep breath.
Here goes.
Opening the door, she looks like she did that first night, minus the bin bag, rain poncho thing. Long hair shining in the lamplight, she wears jeans, a jumper, a big coat over her arm and a blaze of fire in her eyes. My dick gives a twitch knowing what’s hiding beneath all those layers. Down boy. We have to behave tonight.
‘Thanks for coming to get me.’ She pulls the door shut behind her.
‘My pleasure.’ I smile because, honestly, it is. ‘Besides, I wanted to make sure you get there in one piece … can’t have Ol’ Rusty conking out on you in the wilderness.’ I dip my head towards her ancient Escort.
She presses her finger to her lips, looking genuinely concerned the car will hear me. Then she asks, ‘Wilderness? So where are we going?’
Keeping the mystery up a moment longer, I waggle my eyebrows and she bites her lip. Ella on tenterhooks does things to me.
I open the passenger side door, but resist the urge to help her up the big step in. Hands might stray.
As I buckle myself in, I reply, ‘Do you know The Wreck?’
‘I’ve heard it’s fun, but I’ve never had the chance to go.’ She twists in her seat. ‘Wait, is it even open this late?’
‘You’ll see,’ I tease and Ella flashes me an exasperated smile.
We drive onto the main road and she pats the dashboard. ‘Does this beast have a name?’
I check my mirrors before briefly flicking my gaze to her. ‘It’s a Ford Ranger.’
‘Not the make and model,’ she tuts. ‘A beauty like this, she’s got to have a name.’
‘She, huh?’ I quirk my lips.
‘Yes,’ she says emphatically.‘This car is a hard worker. She’s definitely a girl.’
‘Well,Rusty’staken …’ I ponder for a second. ‘How about Belle?’
‘Belle?’ She sounds super unimpressed.
‘What’s wrong with Belle?’
‘Bit princess-y.’
I risk a glance across to her, and her nose is twitched up in mock revulsion.
‘Well, you referred to her as both a beast and a beauty?’ I shrug. ‘It’s on theme.’
‘It doesn’t capture her personality. Hmm … ’ she pretends to think. ‘It’ll come to me.’
We drive on until the streetlights run out and then take a tight lane heading deeper into the countryside. Slowing as we draw nearer, I turn onto a track. Wheels crunch the rough earth floor as I pull into the car park. To preserve the surprise, the dimly lit sign is the only indicator of life. She leans forward, peering through the windscreen. ‘Are you sure this place is open?’
‘It is for us.’
I go to get out of the Ranger but Ella stays belted in her seat.