‘It’s late.’ He takes a deep breath, the inhalation filling his chest, making him seem even bigger. As he breathes out, the playful smile returns to his face. ‘So, Ella, it’s been a pleasure.’
‘It’s been interesting,’ I say, tipping my head to the side.
I walk back to Helena, and open the door.
‘I’m going to head in. Might get a bit wet otherwise.’ He taps Helena on the bonnet. ‘Drive safe.’
Hot Guy turns and jogs back to the front entrance of the pub. I swear I catch a glimpse of that dimple in the rear-view mirror as I drive off.
But, again, I could be hallucinating.
Chapter 2
Tonight, I need to let my hair down. If I don’t, I might implode. Or explode. I remember something from physics lessons years ago, dying stars can do both at the same time. Is ‘ploding’ a thing? Something’s going to happen if I don’t let off some steam soon.
Between work and family commitments, I’m wrung out. My bestie, Josie, has promised me a night of cocktails and giggling and it’s going to be exactly what I need. Although, an early night should probably come high up this list too, especially after the number of late ones I’ve had recently.
Collapsed on my bed, I slide my phone from my pocket.
Ella: What’s the name of the bar we’re heading for? Need to know what bus to get.
Helena’s getting the night off, too, as I’m planning on seeing away quite a few cocktails.
Josie doesn’t reply straight away so I busy myself getting showered and dressed. My lucky little black dress winks at me from my stash of office attire and I slip the slinky fabric on, marvelling at how it’s so stretchy and comfy, yet seems to magically pull me in, flattering my curves.
I smooth my hands over my hips; the material is soft and silky under my fingers. It’s not that I need aluckydress as such, not when all I want to do is catch up with my bestie, but I’m on the edge. I’m pulling out all of the self-care moves so I don’t lose my mind. If I freak out about how shockingly shit everything is, then who’s going to be there to look after my sister? Who’s going to help mum with the bills?
So, I snort lavender essential oil and practise deep breaths so much I’m pretty sure I’d be a champion free diver given half the chance, doing everything I can possibly think of to keep myself sane. And that includes a weekly date with my bestie, where we dress up for each other, drink cocktails and catch up on all the craziness we’re both negotiating. You’ve got to put your oxygen mask on before helping others, so they say. Not that I’ve ever been on an aeroplane to actually appreciate that saying.
Josie: I’ve ordered you a taxi, my treat. It’ll be with you in twenty mins.
Sipping on a glass of Pinot, I perfect my makeup while waiting for the cab to arrive and fire off a message to my sister.
Ella: Your dinner’s in the microwave, ready for when you get in. Don’t forget you have a test tomorrow xx
I mean to text Josie to get more details when Chloe replies.
Chloe: Stop nagging, you’re worse than mum. I already ate a burger.
Exasperated, I hurl my phone across the room. It’s childish but trying to take care of a teenager can push you to the brink. I’m already there, clinging on, knowing any little thing might tip me over.
It takes five minutes trying to fish out my phone from where it’s slid under my chest of drawers. Suddenly the cab’s here, tooting, and I’m running late. Keeping myself calm with a ‘you’ve got this’ mantra, I head outside.
As the taxi pulls away, and I settle back in the seat,I try to distance myself from my usual worries. I’m free to be me for the night.
Streetlights and headlamps whizz by, bright sparks in the dark night, and I’m transported back to Halloween night. I can’t quite believe what happened. I was so tired, and it was so late, maybe it was a dream. The Hot Guy, as I have to think of him, was too impossibly beautiful to be real. He’s taken over as the leading male in my daydreams and fantasies; his sexy voice, that dimple … that body. My vibrator has been given quite the workout.
In another life I’d have stayed. I’d have gone into the pub to warm up, and by warm up I mean have amazing carefree sex with a hot stranger. And then I’d have left and never looked back, or maybe he’d have become a semi-regular hook up. Either way, here in this life, I would never let that happen. Too many risks.
My adrenaline spikes.
The driver has made a left turn instead of going right towards town, and I wonder if Josie’s accidentally ordered a dodgy cab that’s going to take me straight to a human trafficking ring.
I dash off an emergency message.