Soft lips kiss their way across my thighs and he wraps his hands around my waist. Trembling, I push myself up to sitting as he straightens. His hand cups my head and pulls me to him, forehead pressed against mine.
‘I’ve got you.’ A surprisingly tender kiss leaves me with a hint of my own taste. I can feel his breathing is as heavy as mine.
‘That was … huh.’ My throat hoarse, I can’t string a sentence together. Mind-blown. Greedy. I want to go again. I want to feel him inside me. I want him to tie me in knots and then unravel me all over again. I want to give him even half the pleasure that’s just ripped through me. I do not want this to be over.
‘Do you — ’ he starts to ask something but there’s a toot of a car horn.
‘Shit.’ Adrenaline spikes through me.
I yank my dress, pulling it up to cover my chest.
He turns to look across the empty pub to the door and then his focus is back on me.
‘Is that your lift?’ He asks as he takes my thong and loops it over each of my stilettos before sliding it up to my knees.
‘Yeah, I’m sorry.’
I shimmy to the edge of the bar. His hands are back on my hips and he steadies me as I land.
‘No need to apologise,’ his voice is ragged as I fiddle with my underwear, pulling it up in the most ungainly way.
The horn blares again, making me jump as I straighten my outfit. Casting my gaze around the bar, I locate my bag and snatch it off the table. ‘I’d better — ’ I nod to the door.Really eloquent tonight, Ella.‘Thanks for — ’ Again words fail me.
‘It was my pleasure.’ He’s leaning against the bar, arms crossed, making his biceps appear even bigger.
The door unbolts easily and suddenly I’m outside again, the cold air slapping my senses awake.
Josie is out of the car and walking over. Thank God I made it out when I did. ‘Hey, I was starting to worry.’
‘I’m fine.’ I sound higher pitched than normal and she peers at me through narrowed eyes as we bundle back towards Jamie’s car.
‘So, you went back inside?’
‘Yeah, it was getting cold out.’ I clamber into the back seat.
Josie gets herself in the car and turns to face me. ‘And?’
I click my seatbelt on. ‘And what?’
‘Did you finally speak properly to that guy? Did you get his number?’
With a grin, Jamie glances at me in the rear-view mirror.
‘Nothing like that.’
‘Ella!’ Josie scolds.
‘It didn’t come up. I didn’t get the chance.’ I cross my fingers hoping she doesn’t pry into whathadcome up. Jamie may be seventeen but there are some things best friend’s little brothers don’t need to know.
‘Did the girls get home okay?’ I change the subject.
‘Kind of,’ says Josie.
‘You’ll find out soon. I dropped them at your house.’ I can hear the mirth in Jamie’s voice.
‘What?’ I shriek.
‘It was the closest. I didn’t want Claire to spew all over my car.’