‘I’ll do both,’ he shrugs.
Heading off, I clear some more empties. Once I’m sure everything is under control and all the punters are happy, I remind Enzo it’s okay for him to head off early. It’s a quiet night, nothing’s going to happen now.
Chapter 8
‘Ladies, another cocktail?’ The infuriating bartender flashes a seemingly innocent smile, enticing me in more ways than one.
Stubborn to the end, I’m desperate to know his name but I’m not going to ask again. I tried earlier and now it’s borderline too late. I’ll simply have to think of him as the irritating but hot barman forever.
‘Not for me, thanks,’ says Josie. ‘That last Mojito was so strong, it almost blew my socks off.’ She swivels around in her seat. ‘Yikes, I need the little girls’ room.’
My friend staggers as she dismounts from the stool, heading to the toilets. It’s probably best we stop drinking while we’re still vaguely in control.
Okay,I’mstill in control, even if Josie’s battered.
Knowing he’s going to come out with something completely obscene, some underwear melting retort, I can’t stop myself asking, ‘What did you have in mind?’
Without blinking or smirking, not even a lip curl to give him away — completely deadpan — he says, ‘Can I interest you in a Screaming Orgasm?’
Heat rages across my skin. Why hadn’t I anticipatedthatas a response. All I want to do is sayhell yes!And I would if my life were a little different.
But I’m the responsible one.
I’m the sober one.
Most sober, in any case.
Buying some time, I give a little cough. ‘Tempting. But I should probably go and make sure my friend is okay.’
Across the room Josie knocks into an empty chair, and then loudly apologises to it while she straightens it up.
‘I’d better — ’ I don’t bother finishing my sentence as I chase after her.
‘That was an interesting evening,’ Josie giggles as the pub door closes behind us.
‘I’m sorry your mystery fella wasn’t there.’I bump my shoulder into hers.
She shrugs. ‘It was still great to set the world to rights. I love our nights out.’
I rub my arms briskly, waiting for my alcohol-induced beer jacket to kick in and regretting not bringing a coat.
‘Where’s Jamie?’ More than a little tipsy, Josie stamps her foot. ‘He promised he’d pick us up at half past.’
There’s a rev of an engine and a battered silver car swings into the car park, drawing to a stop in front of us. I look on, perturbed, as Chloe climbs out of the passenger side, pulling the seat she’d been sitting in forwards. It’s a two door car so the only way in and out of the back is an ungainly climb.
‘Alright?’ Jamie calls out from the driver’s side. ‘It’ll be a bit of a squeeze.’
Josie and I crowd forwards and see Chloe’s two best friends, Hayley and Claire, squashed in the back. The car’s inside light illuminates Claire’s hair, hanging lankly over her face and Hayley, trying to wedge her head upright.
‘What the fuck, Jamie?’ Josie shrieks.
‘They were at the house party too. I said I’d give them a lift. I couldn’t leave Claire like that, could I?’
‘Where are Ella and I supposed to go?’