Page 14 of Prove You Wrong

‘We didn’t exactly swap details,’ she groans.‘In my wisdom, I thought it would be hot to have some awesome anonymous sex, but I’m kind of … regretting that now.’

I open my eyes wide in sympathy.

She wrinkles her nose. ‘I massively fucked up. He was incredible. I was kind of hoping he’d be here tonight.’

‘But he’s not?’ Straightening my spine, I peer around the room, half expecting to spot a zombie.

‘No.’ She sighs. ‘I wanted to orchestrate bumping into him and, you know, see if he wanted to jump my bones.’

‘Smooth. So why here? Do you think he works here?’

‘Well, you know it was masquerade?’ She lowers her voice conspiratorially. ‘I’m not a hundred percent sure, but part of his costume was a polo shirt with The Bull Inn logo on. It had been all bloodied and ripped but it was definitely this place.’ She coughs. ‘I may or may not have done some serious internet investigating — ’

‘Stalking,’ I correct.

‘Potato, pot-ah-to. I found this place and wondered if he might have a link here, possibly a regular … or staff.’

‘So,thisis why you arranged a relocation.’

‘Yeah.’ She gives me a semi-apologetic grin. ‘But perhaps it’s worked out for the best. I got mine, now you can get some.’

‘I’m not gonna get any … ’ my voice peters out as Hot Guy starts approaching with his swagger and sexy grin and I become increasingly concerned I’m about to slip off my seat.

Loudly, Josie proclaims, ‘I’ve gotta … ’ before getting down from her stool. She walks off mumbling, ‘No one’s listening, I’m just gonna make myself scarce.’

He leans on the bar. ‘How’s Rusty?’

‘Helena’s doing fine,’ I roll my eyes.‘Thank you for asking.’

He dips his head. ‘Seems like you’ve been having a tough week, car troubles, mean boss — ’

‘Have you been listening in?’ My eyebrows hit the roof.

‘Can’t help but hear the odd word back here.’ He shrugs. ‘Is there anything I can do to make your evening a little bit better? Another cocktail perhaps?’ His lips press into a smirk. ‘And by the way,’ he moves even closer, lowering his voice, ‘although I love a Leg Spreader,’ he cocks his head to the side as if really considering this, ‘I also like a French Kiss from time to time. No need to be so filthy minded.’

I feel a warmth rush through my cheeks when I realise exactly how much he’s heard.


There’s that blush.Bingo!

Getting a reaction out of Ella has quickly become my new favourite hobby. There’s something about her that keeps tempting me back for more, toying with her to see what she does. I’m entirely captivated.

I’m also concerned.

I never hit on customers, or anyone these days, but, whatever this is with Ella, it feels different. And tonight might be my only opportunity to get her attention. This concern is making me do things that aren’t like me.

Flipping the cocktail maker in my hand like some sort of Tom Cruise wannabe, I throw her a flirty smile. ‘Do you fancy going out with me for some cocktails? Show me how it's done?’

‘I’m sure you already overheard I don’t date…’ she tails off as if she's not finished her sentence.

‘What, like full stop or … ?’

‘Ihaven'tbeen dating, full stop.’

I raise an eyebrow. ‘But now?’

Lips turning up at the corners, she gives me a look as if she’ll agree but then seems to mentally talk herself out of it with a reticent shake of her head. ‘I don't date … ’ Again she stops herself. I feel heat from her eyes trailing all over me.