My legs wrap tightly around him and I cling to his shoulders. I can feel him so deep inside of me. So deep.
As he thrusts, he finds that most perfect spot. Hypnotising. My pussy clenches around him with a mind of its own.
‘Fuck,’ he growls. ’You keep doing that and I’m not gonna last much longer.’
I feel him growing bigger inside me as my climax builds. The pressure mounting as he drills me into the wood, hitting my g-spot with every stroke.
His lips find mine and I cry his name into his mouth as I come. The feeling of him pulsing inside me with his own pleasure draws my orgasm out even further.
Nate helps me down with care, but inhales sharply as I grip his bicep for balance.
‘What was that?’ I ask. ‘Are you hurt?’
‘Careful with those beefy mitts of yours.’ He quickly bins the condom and pulls his jeans back up. ‘You don’t know your own strength.’
I gape, stunned. I’d barely brushed his arm. ‘Are you okay?’
Nate chuckles, dropping his straight-face. ‘Nothing I can’t handle.’
‘What’s happened?’
He turns away and starts to carefully slide out of his jacket.
‘What did you do?’ My voice drops, hesitant.
‘I added to the collection.’ He pivots, bringing his exposed arm towards me, sleeve pulled up to his shoulder. His vivid tattoos have been intertwined with a luscious vine that snakes around his arm, wrapping around his bicep and up under his tee-shirt.
‘It’s stunning.’ I hesitate before touching my finger gently to the design, slightly raised on his skin.
‘It represents growth.’ His voice is husky.‘You inspired me.’
‘Me?’ I blink.
‘Yeah. With your new course, you’re learning and growing. You want to help others learn and better themselves.’ He shrugs. ‘You make me want to do better for myself, too. And this serves as a reminder for all the growing and shit I’ve done already and all that I still want to do.’
‘Growing and shit, huh?’ I smirk.
He pumps his eyebrows. ‘So you like it?’
I nod my head vehemently.
‘Good, cause thisbad boywraps all the way up to my clavicle and over my shoulder blade.’
‘Interesting choice of words,’ I murmur.
Lightly, I trace the emerald trail over his deltoid to where it disappears.
He kisses me slowly, almost reverently, then brushes his nose against mine.
‘We better get back,’ he says with reluctance and sets about helping me find all my strewn off clothing.
‘I’m going to have to rethink the whiskey and socks I got Chunk for Christmas,’ Nate says as we leave Base Camp, shutting the door behind us.
As we walk back to the party, the air is bitterly cold and I wrap the jacket closer around me. ‘This is a good gift, if I do say so myself.’
Nate chuckles. ‘I’m not complaining.’ As he pushes the barn door open, he says, ‘Do you think anyone noticed we’re missing?’
‘I hope Chunk kept his word and has been looking after Josie.’ I squint into the barn, looking for my friend.