‘Okay, but Iamsorry about your present being a waste.’ She runs her fingers over the black leather.
I look up and notice the decorated fir tree that’s towering nearby, then my gaze finds Ella again. ‘You’re the only present I need.’
Ella groans but grins at me. Unashamed, I can’t be appalled at my own cheesiness, not when she’s looking at me like this.
My smile doesn’t need any coercion this time. I feel it spread across my face like sunlight at dawn.
Fuck, I must be in love. Even my musings are poetic as fuck. My smile can’t be spreading wide like a hookers legs — nope — it’s like fucking sunlight at fucking dawn.
Tugging on her fingers, I say, ‘Let’s go back and warm up at Base Camp.’
Ella takes the leather jacket from me, looping it over her arm. ‘So, what should we do with this? I should be giving it to Chunk, huh?’
I scoop her to my side as we walk along and she fits there, perfectly.
‘Not sure it’s his size.’
Ella looks up at me. ‘Has Chunk got a special someone we can give it to instead?’
‘Not in the leather-jacket-wearing-lady sense, no.’ Leaves crunch under our feet with each step. ‘He’s married to this place, really.’
‘Could you swap your bike back?’
I shake my head and squeeze her that bit tighter. ‘I’m happy with my decision. Plus, I don’t want to mess him around. He’s my best friend and he’s been trying so hard to look after me. Besides, he really has hankered after Betty, and I need Randy, and not just for when Helena breaks down.’
She jabs me with her elbow playfully. ‘What do you need her for?’
‘My new job.’ I shoot her a cheeky smile as she registers what I just said.
‘You never said … ’ Ella gapes.
‘I hadn’t had the chance,’ I chuckle. ‘I’m going to work for Chunk full time. I start in the new year.’
‘That’s amazing! Congratulations.’ She leaps onto me, her hair fanning over me, shrouding me in her lavender scent.
I pretend she’s floored me, faking a fall as I lower us on to the ground.
Ella straddles me, raining down kisses which I cannot get enough of.
Flipping her on to her back, I run my nose along her jaw before my lips find hers again. Pressed against her body, I’m rock hard as my tongue explores her mouth. Fuck, I’ve missed her.
The radio squawks, crackles and bleeps and I realise I’ve been leaning on the talk button.
‘Shit.’ I jump up, fiddling with the walkie talkie to make sure it’s off now.
Ella’s lying on the ground, laughing. ‘Oops! Good job we hadn’t got much further. Chunk and I have barely met.’ She reaches up for me.
I pull her to her feet and pluck a leaf from her hair. ‘We’d better go and introduce you, then.’
As we make our way back to Base Camp, I fill her in on my new role at The Wreck.
Chunk’s smirking when we enter the office. ‘You get everything sorted?’
‘Yes, thanks.’ I tug Ella into my side as I say, ‘Chunk, I’d like to introduce you to Ella. My — ’ I raise an eyebrow to Ella, letting her choose how to finish the introduction.
‘Girlfriend,’ she interjects, wrapping her arms around me and gazing up into my eyes.
I squeeze her tightly, dropping a kiss onto her forehead.