Page 9 of Prove You Wrong

Chapter 5


My new guests are brightening up that usually quiet corner of the bar no end. I can’t help but listen in as they chat. If I’m not serving, I hear almost everything back here. Must be something with the acoustics, but Ella’s sexy voice seems to carry further. Or maybe I’ve tuned in to it.

It sounds like she’s had a hell of a day, if not month, and I feel kind of bad they aren’t having the night of cocktails she’d hoped for. Though, for the life of me, I couldn’t say why they’d come to The Bull if they were looking for cocktails.

We’re known as a beer drinkers pub, real ale, spirits, nothing fancy. My brother, Scott, took this place on a few years ago and he hasn’t really made many changes. I keep telling him he should do more with the place but he just keeps it ticking along and telling me not to get carried away with grand ideas. I managed to get him to agree to some charity fundraisers but most ideas he rejects, it’s like he’s only half invested in it.

The glint of some stainless steel equipment catches my eye and I get a brainwave on how to bring a smile to those pink lips,andbring the pub up a level. Scott has left me in charge for a few days, after all.

‘Sorry to interrupt, ladies,’ I say, sidling up to them behind the bar. ‘I can’t help but notice you’re almost at the end of your thinking drink. Have you had the chance to consider what you might want next?’ I’m asking both of them, but I can’t stop my gaze returning to Ella. The way she’s sat up straighter pushes her tits out. Her bright eyes alert, there’s a spark about her which I find entirely captivating. ‘Or, could I make a suggestion?’

Ella wraps her mouth around the straw, taking a long draw of the drink. Watching her swallow, my dick gives me another nudge. I know, dude, she’s unbelievable.

‘What did you have in mind?’

A hundred filthy thoughts scattergun through my head and I take a deep breath to gather myself.

Her friend suddenly growls. ‘Sorry, I’ve got to take this.’ Phone in hand she stalks off, scowling at the screen.

Ella follows her friend’s movements and then focuses back on me.

‘Well,Ella, or should I call you Sparky?’

A slight blush tinges her cheeks and her eyes widen, as if surprised I recognised her.

As if I could forget her.

‘I might have a favour to ask.’

‘You’re not going to make me stand out in the rain, are you?’ She nibbles that bottom lip of hers and I almost combust.

‘Nothing crazy.’ I hold up a hand. ‘And don’t worry, no one makes anyone stand out in the rain around here.’

‘You did.’ She cocks her head to one side.

‘I wanted to.’ I shrug. ‘You didn’t make me.’

‘I was so wet when I got home. I think I’ve only just recovered.’

It isn’t a nudge this time. My dick is full-on trying to hulk out of my trousers and I can’t stop some sort of strange cough-laugh coming out.

The faint tinge to Ella’s cheeks flares to full blown magenta, the colour rushing down her neck, disappearing under her dress to I can only imagine where. Her hand whips to her mouth when she realises what she said. How can someone so sexy be this adorable?

The fuck?

How long hasadorablebeen in my vocabulary?

‘I meant from the rain,’ she says, eyes wide.

‘It was quite a night,’ I say, hoping to ease her embarrassment. But I’m also wondering, how far down does that blush go?

She takes a long suck on her straw. ‘Thanks again for your help, I owe you one.’ She flicks her hair off her shoulder. ‘You never did tell me your name.’

Keeping it from her had been a reflex, a habit. I toy with the idea of telling her, but the urge to try and make her blush again is too strong. ‘I did!’ I force my brow to furrow. ‘I can’t believe you’ve forgotten.’ I try to sound outraged.

‘No. You didn’t.’ Delicate brackets crease her forehead and she leans in.