Page 11 of Prove You Wrong

‘If that’s not a word, it should be.’ She taps at the beer mat as if to make a note.‘Anyway, what we lack in class, we make up for in experience.’

‘And enthusiasm.’ I clink my glass to Josie’s.

I used to be fascinated with the extravagant sounding ingredients and would pore over menus imagining the exotic places that had inspired them, trying anything new I came across. The tropical drinks made our corner of England a little bit more bearable. Now, I’m less star-struck by them, having honed my favourites to a few tried and tested options, ones that are sure to get me blitzed, half based on taste and half based on whether I can bring myself to say the name of it to the bartender. Actually a Dirty Porn Star is still on my Need To Try list.

Coy, I rotate my nearly empty glass in my hand. ‘He wants us to help him design a cocktail menu.’

Josie nods sagely. ‘I can understand why you didn’t refuse.’

I shoot her an I-know-he’s-hot-but-don’t-go-there expression and she smirks in response.

We chat some more about our day and then he approaches with two highballs, the drinks inside a gorgeous, orange-pink ombre.

‘What do you reckon?’ He leans his elbows on the bar, showing off his tanned skin, both sets of biceps flexing, one covered in a vivid scrawl, the other bare, like before and after pictures.

Sipping the fruity concoction, it’s clear he’s created a masterpiece.

‘Mmm, it’s good.’ I kind of groan a little which is a bit embarrassing but, he’s absolutely nailed it. ‘Very good.’

There’s a small smile to his lips, eyes dark and intense. ‘You think it should go on the menu?’

I nod and take another swig. ‘So, how many are you looking to do?’

‘Three or four.’ He dips his head to the side. ‘A little something for everyone.’

‘What would you go for?’ I sit forwards, intrigued. ‘What’s your favourite?’

‘I’m not sure. Something quite potent.’ He glances back along the bar to where a group have waved him over. ‘Excuse me.’

I watch as his backside struts its way towards the other end of the bar.

‘You joining us for shots?’ An attractive female shouts out.

He replies something and the group grumbles, a couple of the ladies pouting.

‘A round of sambucas for the road,’ one guy calls out, raising both arms in the air.

As I study the distracting bartender pouring their order, Josie leans in. ‘If he were a cocktail, you know what he’d be?’

It’s a game we play when we try to match personality types with cocktail names. My sister used to be a right Shirley Temple, but now she’s more of a Naughty Girl Scout, which is a worrying trajectory.

I raise a brow. ‘I know exactly what he’d be.’

We eyeball each other and then both chuckle, ‘A Leg Spreader!’

I glance at him. ‘Lethally strong. Probably too much for me.’

‘I think if ever there’s a good time to try something new, it’s now.’ Josie says softly.

I jerk my head. ‘You know I normally stick with something safe, like a Woo Woo.’

Josie tuts, ‘No one wants a Woo Woo. Not when they can have … ’ she gestures towards the barman. ‘I’m out of cocktail euphemisms. But this guy, he’s hot. I cantellyou think he’s hot.’ She leans in closer. Imploring.‘He’s clearly into you.’

‘He’s sexy as sin but you know my number one rule. No one that’s going to be a bad influence on Chloe. After my mum’s string of deadbeat exes, she’s had enough negative male energy in her life.’ Especially not men like him, all buzz cut and tattoos, oozing trouble like it’s a pheromone.


Aleg spreader, huh?