Page 16 of Prove You Wrong

I feel a little bad.

Scooping a lock of hair behind her ear, she almost looks like she wants to fall into the slushy ice chips and hide. But, as predicted, that delicate blush erupts and I’m left wishing she was slurping on something else.

Doing my best to keep a straight face, with a serious tone I say, ‘No, you’re right. Bad idea. Too similar to Sex on the Beach.’ I serve the Margarita I’ve already mixed and say, ‘Try this. Any requests for your next one?’

Rallying, she sets her shoulders back and flashes a confident smirk. ‘Surprise us.’

It’s hard, but I force myself to leave the ladies alone. Working my way around the pub, I chat with locals and clear some empties. Don’t want to neglect my regulars.

Stopping by my friend Chunk’s table, he’s having a catch up with some other ex-forces guys.

‘You joining us, Nate?’ A moustached, Scottish guy they call Jock, asks.

‘Thanks, but I’m working so I shouldn’t.’ I don’t like to intrude. ‘Another round, fellas?’

I take some orders and then busy myself pouring and carrying it back over to them.

More of the ladies’ chat filters through the air and I hear Ella laugh, which is its own kind of magic.

Although, watching her blush is still my favourite.

Across the pub, I see her from a new angle. As she swaps the cross of her toned legs, my eyes scan from her crazy-bright, pink, fuck-me heels, all the way up to where her clingy black dress hugs her curves. Whoever designed that dress must be a sadist, as it’s driving me nuts.

My eyes meet hers and she holds my gaze as she wraps those pink lips around her straw again. I’m going to need to make sure we get more straws in the next order, it would be a crime if she were to come back and we’d run out. I swallow to make sure I’m not drooling.

‘That brunette catch your eye?’ Chunk’s question is mumbled low as he passes me an empty glass.

For such a big guy, he’s surprisingly softly spoken. An IED left him partially deaf on one side where it blew his eardrum out. Since, he's always talked quietly for fear of bellowing at someone by accident.

I jerk my chin towards the other lads. ‘You’re supposed to be chatting with your buddies, not eavesdropping on me.’

‘I’m trained to be observant,’ Chunk replies.

‘You notice me striking out too?’ I mock-wince.

‘That’s not like you,’ he gives me a rueful look. ‘Your reputation precede you?’

‘Fuck off.’ I’m not going to announce in front of all of his Forces mates that I’ve been deemeda bad influenceor whatever.

Even though Ella’s probably right; I can’t get the thought of fucking her out of my mind. Except it’s more than that. It’s not just the way she responds to me, it’s how I respond to her. We could have a lot of fun.

‘Her friend seems … nice,’ Chunk adds, letting his gaze linger.

‘Calm yourself. Her friend sounds like she’s interested in some other dude.’

‘Now who’s eavesdropping?’

‘I can’t help that their voices carry.’ I look back over to Ella, mesmerised as she throws her head back to laugh and her dress stretches across her tits.

‘She’s really piqued your interest tonight, hasn’t she?’ Chunk’s levelling a knowing look at me.

My flatmate and best friend, he probably knows me better than anyone, but now is not the time for a full on Chunk-style heart-to-heart about what I’m doing with my love life, or lack of it.

Shutting the conversation down, I ask, ‘Another brewski? Alcohol free?’

Chunk gestures he’s all done. ‘You up for the gym tomorrow morning?’ He goes along with the change in subject.

‘Nah, got to be here for a delivery. Day after?’ It’s not like it’ll matter if the handsome prick misses a workout.