Page 12 of Mine to Claim

Chapter 7

Itrekthroughthemorning, the sun baking the brittle grass. Around midafternoon, I stop to rest in the shade of a withered tree.

The Alleghany mountains used to be a favorite spot I used to hike through with my former military team when we had time off. Who knew when the world had gone to shit, it would be the place I found safest.

As I eat, a hot breeze stirs the branches before fading. Most of them are dead. Mac settled down. Not sure how the fucker does it. Living in one place. I couldn’t do that.

Ran into Colt two years ago near Roanoke.

Wonder if they’re still alive?

Damn assholes would definitely be giving me shit for sulking about some defiant brat, that’s for sure.

Moments later, the nearby tree shakes too long after the wind dies down. I freeze mid-bite, eyes narrowing. The branches still, then a pinecone thuds to the ground.

I circle the tree, fairly certain of what I'll find. Hopefully, because if someone else can get this close to me without me noticing that’s a problem.

Not a chance in hell my awareness skills have deteriorated that much.

Peering up, my suspicions are confirmed and my heart damn near skips a beat when I lock eyes with his icy blue ones.

But dammit.

He’s up too high.

I let out a snarl. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Devon glares down, still as unrepentant as ever. “I'm hungry.”

What a load of shit.

My brows furrow. "I left you food, enough for the day. So why the hell are you really here?"

My heart beats so fast, my fuckin’ palms sweat like a dumbass ready to fall to my knees in happiness. Only, the shit told me to get lost this morning, and that still stings.

He shrugs, making the branches quiver and my stomach lurch. "Wasn’t enough."

I cross my arms, temper rising. "Maybe you should’ve been foraging then instead of wasting energy trailing me."

At that, he scowls, and his jaw tightens. "I want sex."

I nearly choke on my saliva, while he looks like he wants to punch me in the face. How the fuck does this kid go from saying he’s hungry to wanting sex. Unless. . .

I pinch the bridge of my nose, screwing my eyes shut against the mounting frustration pounding through my skull. "Devon, are you telling me you want sex because you actually want food?"

He squints, lips thinning. "No."

"Bullshit," I shoot back. "Get out of that tree. I won't strain my neck for this conversation."

With startling agility, he shimmies down, landing lightly as a squirrel, chin raised. "So, sex first, then food?"

I step closer, using my height to loom over him in an attempt to intimidate, remind him who’s in charge.

But he refuses to shrink away or back down. His stubborn audacity simultaneously frustrates and impresses me.

I’d like to spank his ass, only it’s not really a punishment for him. Turns out, the little shit enjoys it.

He’s not the only one. Damn if I didn’t nearly blow my load when turning that ass of his a deep red.