We clasped hands in agreement. As we left, I paused to examine myself in the foyer mirror, still getting accustomed to the vivid red tracery marking me as Draven’s own. The swirls were striking yet beautiful, I decided.
Out on the bustling promenade, I didn’t miss the envious glances from other women taking in Draven’s tall, powerful form beside me. Pride swelled within at being his one and only mate.
To my surprise, Draven led us away from the central metro sector, down a smaller passage. My curiosity mounted as we left the most populous areas behind. Where was he taking me? It had to be somewhere special if it necessitated such secrecy.
I mentally cataloged clues as we walked. “So, somewhere outside the main promenade,” I mused, “but casual dress is fine?” A sudden awful thought struck me. “Unless this is a formal place, and you just don’t mind me looking out of place!”
Draven squeezed my hand reassuringly. “Nothing like that, I promise. You’ll love it, trust me.”
We continued through less familiar zones and residential blocks. My earlier excitement was tinged with unease now. As a vulnerable human, I rarely strayed from my familiar haunts. But Draven’s presence banished any lingering fears.
My eyes scanned the sector numbers and directional signs we passed, trying to divine our destination. The numbers tickled something in my memory, though I couldn’t grasp why.
Gradually, changes in the environmental systems gave me new clues to analyze. The air took on a cleaner, fresher scent as we delved deeper. It reminded me of the regulated atmospheres surrounding my flower stock rooms.
“We must be close,” Draven noted with a smile. “I hope you’re prepared to pay up on our wager.”
“Never!” I declared dramatically. “The suspense is killing me, though. I know this area from somewhere...”
At a doorway marked “Decontamination”, Draven pressed a code into a pad. “Don’t worry,” he explained at my astonished look. “We have special access for today.”
The inner door slid open on a lush, thick forest, the trees soaring overhead, artificial sunlight streaming down through the leaves, making dancing patterns all around us. I froze, overwhelmed by the impossibility.
“The Greenbelt,” I whispered reverently. “Draven, I...I can’t believe...” At a loss for words, I hugged him fiercely.
He smiled, leading me down a winding path. I drank in the sights and smells—it was like stepping onto a new world. Draven pointed out rare species as I chatted enthusiastically.
In a clearing stood an elegant fountain, the gently babbling water an unbelievable luxury. Nearby, a small table overlooked the idyllic scene.
“Alkard said we could use his picnic spot,” Draven explained, unpacking a sumptuous meal from his bag. My favorite foods mixed with expensive wines.
We dined leisurely, the very air seeming sweeter. I felt an uncanny sense of belonging in this oasis. Draven watched me closely, his striking eyes full of warmth.
“You look at home here,” he remarked.
“It’s like nowhere I’ve ever known,” I agreed dreamily. “Like living on a planet...”
Draven took my hand. “Alkard insisted I bring you. We’re welcome anytime.”
I was speechless with gratitude. When we finished eating, I laid back on the soft grass with Draven, lulled by the fountain’s burbling. Above us, the great dome arched open to the stars.
Overcome with emotion, I rolled atop Draven and brought our lips together. “I love you,” I murmured against his mouth. “More each day.”
Draven’s strong hands stroked my back. “And I love you,” he replied seriously. “My one and only.”
I sat up, still straddling his hips suggestively. “I believe you’ve won our wager.”
Draven’s gaze turned molten with desire beneath me. “Then I’ll claim my prize.”
In the dappled forest shade, I showed him my appreciation, our passion as natural as the beauty surrounding us. This perfect place was now etched in my heart.
Iawoke to soft kisses along my shoulder. Draven’s voice was a low rumble in my ear. “Time to get up, my love. I have another surprise for you today.”
My eyes blinked open to find him leaning over me, crystalline eyes shining with anticipation. His large hand trailed down my side possessively.
“Mmm...if this is how you wake me every day, I’ll never want to leave this bed,” I purred, arching into his touch.