I cleared my throat nervously. “Well, there’s a rumor you took a human mate. Is it true?”
“That’s right,” he replied, smiling easily. “Her name’s Tessi, and mating her was the best choice I ever made.”
“Did life change much for you two after?”
“It did! For the better, only.”
I recoiled in surprise. “Really?”
“Yes, absolutely. We get some looks, of course, but human-alien relationships grow more accepted over time.”
“I see,” I murmured. “And what about the mating bite?”
Alkard stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I’d be lying if I said it’s harmless.”
“Yikes.” My anxiety spiked again.
“I don’t mean to worry you,” he added reassuringly. “It will alter your DNA, yes. You’ll still be human at heart, but experience the world anew—sharper senses, perception, even traceries mimicking Draven’s.”
“Okay, I think I understand.” Not really. But honestly, I didn’t think I needed to hear any more.
Alkard squeezed my shoulder supportively. “I must get going. But thank you for saving one of my finest men.”
“You mean the best,” Draven cut in cheekily.
Alkard laughed. “Of course! But truly, thank you Elara.” He made his exit, glancing back. “Let’s meet again soon.”
“Always a little more to what he means than what he says,” Draven mused after he left. “Did he answer your questions satisfactorily?”
“Yeah,” I said, sitting at his bedside again. “Sorry if I seemed hesitant before. The mating bite just sounds scary.”
“Understandable,” Draven soothed. “We’ll do it only when you’re ready. Take all the time you need. It’ll be new for me, too, seeing you bear my traceries. But I’m thrilled by the thought.”
I moved fully onto the bed, laying my head atop his chest, leg draped over him.
“Well, a lot of things have been new since we met. I guess there’s a first time for everything,” I said playfully.
He laughed, pulling me tighter against him. “Indeed there is, Elara.” He yawned deeply.
“Let’s get some sleep, my love,” I whispered, kissing him tenderly. “Celestia knows we’ve earned it.”
I was lulled swiftly to sleep by the steady beating of his heart, happier than ever in his arms. I dreamed of us walking together in peaceful bliss.
By the time I woke up again, it felt as though I had incurred no injuries at all. Elara and I wasted no time getting our bodies reacquainted, the passion only heightened because of my near death experience. Our lips hardly broke apart enough to breathe. Our hands didn’t loosen their grips on each other.
The bed served as our own little haven, made with the softest imported fabrics that Thodos III has to offer. But none of that mattered right then. All that was on my mind was making Elara my mate, fully and completely.
“Are you sure about this? There is no going back.” I just wanted to ensure I still had her consent for what was about to happen.
“Yes, of course. Now let’s do this.”
Elara then pulled away from our kiss and my hold on her. She stripped off her own garments, and I followed suit. I paused for a moment to take in her nude form once again. All her perfect curves on full display. Her alluring breasts and delicious pussy were exposed for my pleasure.
An overwhelming urge formed in me. I should just bite her at that moment. Not spend another moment without her as my mate. But I resisted. The bite would come when the moment was right.
Instead, I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. While one of my hands proceeded to find a home on her breast, her hands found their place on my cock. I gently pinched her nipples as her hands lightly stroked my shaft.