Together, we strode through the main floor, stopping at the dance area entrance. I watched my flowers being unpacked.

“How does it feel seeing your work arranged for the gala?” posed Draven.

“Surreal,” I gasped, shaking my head in disbelief. “Thanks for this opportunity, Draven. This means a lot to me.”

“No need to thank me. Skill like yours deserves to be seen,” he replied sincerely.

Before I could reply, I noticed a worker mishandling a spray.

“Hey, be careful with that!” I called, running over.

The worker looked at me in surprise and cautiously handed it over.

“Gently grip them like this. Flowers are delicate, you know.”

He wasn’t happy with my scolding but couldn’t say anything with Draven nearby.

“Like this?” He now gripped it carefully.

“Yeah, perfect.”

I rejoined Draven as we headed to the kitchen. Loud clangs and bangs rang out. I was greeted by the familiar glares of the chefs.

“There’s never guests allowed in here,” whispered Draven before approaching the chefs. “How are things going?”

“Very well, sir. The stew is just about done. Have a taste.”

The chef spun around and dipped a spoon in a massive pot. “Have a taste.”

“Get two spoons,” ordered Draven.

“Oh, um... yes sir.” The chef fumbled to comply.

I gently blew on the spoon before tasting it. The flavors exploded perfectly. I nodded in approval as Draven gave a thumbs up.

“Sir, we still need to settle on a dessert.”

“Any ideas, Elara?” Draven asked.

“Well, simpler is often better with desserts. How about a fruitcake with syrup?”

The chef looked to Draven who nodded in agreement.

“You heard her. Now get to it. After that, you may head home.”

“Yes sir!”

Draven and I returned to the bar as the hours flew by. One by one, the staff clocked out until just a handful remained.

I wished it was only Draven and me. He fixed us drinks behind the bar.

“At least being with you has its perks,” I laughed, tipsy from the alcohol.

He smiled up at me slyly. “You know, no one has ever talked to me the way you do.”

“That’s because they’re all scared of you.”

“Aren’t you?” His gaze was so intense my throat went dry.