But the cloud still loomed. I longed to unburden myself, confess everything to Tazhr and have him absolve me. Our planned meeting spot seemed impossibly far away, each hour apart an agony. His strength was the only balm for my wounded spirit.

When the day finally arrived, I flew through my tasks feverishly, nearly slicing my fingers instead of the ingredients in my impatience to finish. Every glance at the timepiece felt like an eternity.

At last the pace slowed as the dinner hour approached. I begged off to “run errands,” not even waiting for permission before dashing outside into the bustling station thoroughfare.

I weaved urgently through the crowds, heart racing faster with each step nearer to the cafe. Tazhr’s towering form came into view through the doors, and my breath caught.

My nerves went into overdrive, partially from terror and the other half from excitement. Before I could respond, he kissed me, and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. He picked me up and sat me on the kitchen island, and I wrapped my legs around him.

Just as we were getting into it, he pulled back and chuckled before exhaling deeply. “We don’t have time right now.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” I grinned, leaning in to kiss his neck.

“I have a lead. I think.”

I pulled back, and my legs unwrapped from his hips. I stared at him blankly. “You do?”


It had been a long five days.

The cryptic data files taunted me, their secrets buried under layers of subterfuge. Endless hours spent scouring the multitude of logs, messages, and transactions yielded more frustration than insight. Conii excelled at obscurity. But I would unravel her lies—I had to, for Havek’s sake.

The first enigmatic thread I seized upon was a string of clandestine payments to one “KV.” I cross-checked shipment logs and inventory records seeking any aligning activities, but found nothing overly suspicious. KV was a specter, leaving no tangible traces. Still, the timing of the payments made me certain they were instrumental in Havek’s downfall. I had to locate them and extract the truth.

I descended to Thodos Station’s seedy underbelly on my hunt, flashing Conii’s name and credit to loosen tongues. While she still lived, it afforded access and fear few dared refuse. After greasing enough palms, whispers of an elusive information broker surfaced.

Finally, I banged on the dingy backdoor of what appeared to be an abandoned hab-unit in the unfashionable lower decks. A battered Nazok female emerged, reeking of sour ale.

“KV here?” I demanded without preamble. Her bulbous eyes widened in alarm, hands raised in surrender.

“Don’t want trouble, sir.” Her gravelly voice shook. “Ain’t no KV here. You must be mistaken.”

I stepped forward menacingly. “I suggest you end this charade quickly, unless you’d like me to come in and tear the place apart? Or perhaps start cutting pieces off you until you remember?”

She cowered under my glare. “No need for violence! I’ll fetch who you want.” She scuttled off muttering, “Blasted clients can never use the front entrance...”

Moments later, a spindly, pockmarked female emerged scowling. “This had better be important, interrupting my work like this—” She froze upon seeing me looming in her foyer.

“KV, I presume?” My hand rested meaningfully on the knife at my belt. “You and I need to talk.”

Her eyes darted toward a hidden control panel and I laughed harshly. “Go ahead and call your security. I could use the entertainment.”

With a sigh of defeat, she beckoned me to follow. I had to duck entering the low-ceilinged room cluttered with monitors, aged computers, and tangled masses of wires. KV fidgeted nervously as I surveyed the space.

“What is it you want? Why are you harassing me and my staff?”

I tossed a credit chip onto her console by way of explanation. “I’m investigating certain payments you received from one Conii Haldek in the past few months.”

KV visibly paled at the mention of Conii’s name. “I provide services at my clients’ discretion,” she replied carefully. “The details are confidential.”

My fist crashing down made her jump. “Not when they involve framing of my family members! Tell me what she paid you to do.”

“Nothing!” KV insisted shrilly. “I never asked what she wanted the documents for, I swear on my life!”

My blood ran cold. “Documents? What documents?”

“Fake identity documents.” The words spilled out in a panicked rush. “New background, criminal records. But I don’t know who for! I turned the job down!”