The paranoia I knew all too well crept into my gut, and I thought of all the ways she could have betrayed me. She could have gone to Conii the second she left my side.

She could have told one of Conii’s lieutenants the second she rounded the corner. She could have been even more manipulative with the information and waited to tell someone of my presence a few days later so I wouldn’t have killed her that day.

For some reason, even just the thought of her hurting or betraying me made my gut hurt. I went through blood family members planning my murder, friends trying to turn me in to law enforcement, and even being framed for murder myself once or twice.

I guess I should just be grateful that I didn’t wind up on Deathgate with Havek.

Betrayal, deception, lies. It was part of our life.

But that’s not what I wanted from her. It was stupid, but I couldn’t forget the feel of her lips under my finger, the movement of her mouth as she talked, her wide blue eyes.

I just watched her to make sure she wasn’t going to betray me right away.

That was all.

Finally catching another glimpse of her long, blonde hair, my heart caught when I saw it bounce, her hips swaying from side to side. She had the bag swung over her right shoulder. It moved enough hair out of the way so I could see her ass perfectly while she walked down the dimly lit passageway.

Wasn’t she going back to Conii’s compound?

Following her, I felt a little like a stalker, but it still gave me a thrill. Sneaking around wasn’t usually how I did things, but I wanted to be able to look at her for as long as I could. I needed her cemented into my mind before I left her alone.

I knew Conii’s office would be guarded heavily. Obviously, I wouldn’t have been able to follow her there, but I wanted to see what else she had on her to-do list for our terrible enemy.

What is her title for Conii exactly? Errand girl? Bus girl? Human slave?

She turned toward another marketplace, the noise of the crowd getting louder.

Grumbling, I looked around for cover. If I was going to follow Emma any further, I needed a disguise.

I got close to the marketplace and heard the bustling and roaring of salesmen and merchants.

“Prishem samples made straight from the pot! Beans are bagged and ready to go, harvested yesterday!”

“Latest percomms only 2,000 credits!”

“Try your luck at the credit lottery! Only happening this week until next year!”

I rolled my eyes. The lottery. What a joke. Luck wasn’t a real thing; it’s imagination for fools.

I peered around the corner and saw Emma getting lost in the crowd. I marked her direction, and slid back into my hiding place as I saw a large sentient walking toward me in a floor length, black cloak.Perfect.

As he came around the corner, I caught him in a chokehold and snapped his neck. I glanced down either side of the hallway and ensured no one was looking before I checked under his robes.

Thank the seven galaxies, he’s wearing clothes under this.

I took off his cloak and pulled it over myself. Putting the hood up, I walked through the marketplace, only taking small glances when needed.

Despite heading in the direction I knew she went, I didn’t see Emma. Uneasiness crept through me. I had to find her. I needed to know what else she was doing. I wanted to see what a normal day looked like working under Conii.

That was a lie.

I wanted to see whatshelooked like on a normal day working under Conii.

The amazement didn’t leave me as I bumped into various beings shifting through the crowd. I tried my best to keep my head down, but it was difficult when trying to keep an eye on someone. Then again, she would have stood out in any crowd.

She was remarkable.

Most humans would have crumbled from the fear of being shoved up against a hallway by a Vinduthi. She maintained her calm in a crisis, something I barely saw from any being and never from a human.