He chuckled. “No need to be embarrassed. Here.” He leaned over the display case and brought out a ring with golden stones on the sides. In the center, there was a beautiful hexagonal diamond. He handed it to me. “To match your mating traces, I assume she has them, too.”

I nodded, taking the ring from him and looking at it. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a piece of string I carefully tied around her finger while she slept, holding my breath the entire time, more nervous than getting ready for battle.

After a slight examination, he nodded. “That’s the right size, son.” He looked at me and grinned. “Looks like a perfect match.”

I inhaled deeply before looking at the ring again and pulling out my percomm. “How much?” The answer didn’t matter. Emma was worth everything.

I walked out with a black box in my pocket and spent the whole time walking to the Fallen Star, thinking about what came next.


My hands trembled as I held the thick cream-colored envelope addressed only to “Emma.” What could it be?

Curiosity spiked through me as I fumbled to open it.

Taking a deep breath, I unfolded it to read the spiky script:

My Dearest Emma,

Please join me this evening on the observation deck of Ring 7 at precisely 20:00 hours. There is an important matter I wish to discuss with you. I eagerly anticipate your arrival.

Forever yours,


Tazhr wrote me a letter.What could he want to talk about?

We were mated. That was forever. I knew it was.

But a written note and an “important matter?” My nerves were going to eat me alive long before the meeting time.

As the appointed hour neared, it took monumental self-control not to rush straight to the observation deck. I forced myself to move deliberately, neither hurrying nor stalling. Either extreme might betray my eagerness and anxiety. I would meet this pivotal moment with poise.

At last, I arrived, heartbeat thundering in my ears. The vaulted chamber was deserted except for Tazhr’s imposing silhouette leaning against the viewport, the nebula’s rosy glow softly illuminating his pensive profile. He turned at my approach, golden eyes warm with affection.

“You came,” he rumbled. “I feared you might not. That it was too soon...”

I crossed the space between us and took his hands in mine. “You are my mate,” I said simply. “How could I not come when you call?”

Tazhr exhaled slowly. Nodding, he sank gracefully to one knee before me. My vision blurred with tears at this ultimate gesture of devotion from my proud warrior.

From his pocket, Tazhr withdrew a small velvet box. Nestled inside was a dazzling golden ring accented with shimmering gems. “Emma Rochester, will you do me the honor of becoming my mate?” His voice shook slightly despite the formal words.

“Yes!” I cried joyfully, no longer trusting myself to speak. “Of course I will!” Laughing through my tears, I pulled him up into a fierce embrace.

Tazhr’s relieved laughter mingled with mine. Taking my hand with reverent care, he slid the ring onto my finger. “A perfect fit,” he pronounced, eyes suspiciously bright. “Just like you and I.”

No further words were needed. We clung together in blissful silence as the nebula blazed around us. The path ahead seemed limitless, the universe ours to explore together.

* * *

I studiedmy reflection critically in the full-length mirror. Was the embroidered lace too much? Did the gauzy sleeves hang properly off the shoulder? My nerves made every tiny flaw seem disastrous.

“Oh, Emma, you look absolutely stunning!” Tessi gushed from the couch where she lounged, already dressed in her pale blue gown as my attendant. “Tazhr’s jaw is going to drop when he sees you walking down the aisle.”

I managed a shaky smile, smoothing imaginary wrinkles from the white satin skirt. “I hope so. I want today to be perfect for him.”

Hard to believe our wedding day was finally here after months of joyful planning. Though still more comfortable avoiding public spectacle, Tazhr indulged my enthusiasm for the occasion with fond bemusement. The chance to declare my love before the station felt too momentous to neglect.