In the same motion, I yanked him off balance and delivered a devastating clothesline blow to his throat. He collapsed choking and gagging, helpless now. A stomp of my boot crushed his larynx, ending his miserable existence.

Yet more brutish forms crowded through the doorway, these wielding menacing vibro-axes. The first hacked down at my skull. I flipped backwards out of reach, the vicious blade splitting empty air with an angry whine. As he struggled to free it from the floor, I vaulted into a flying kick that crushed his sternum and hurled him limply against the far wall.

The second swung for my legs with a sweeping blow. I leapt over the scything arc then dropsaulted him straight in the face on my way down. Cartilage crunched wetly under my boots and he sagged moaning. A vicious stomp exploded his nose into a bloody ruin, silencing his cries.

The largest attacker yet stalked through the door, a hulking Mondian, easily nine feet tall. Muscles rippled beneath his black battle armor as he hefted a massive two-handed maul. His first colossal swing vaporized Conii’s ostentatious kauri desk in an explosion of shrapnel.

Circling warily, I delivered a rapid barrage of blows to his torso but the armor absorbed them with minimal effect. The giant swung again, slower this time. I rolled under the ponderous swing and came up behind him. Gripping his armored head between my hands, I twisted violently until a resounding crack signaled the end. The mammoth body slumped face-first to the floor with a resounding boom.

Glancing around for more foes, my gaze fell upon Emma, eyes wide with shock yet fierce determination still blazing behind her fear. My brave, unbreakable mate. But she was unarmed and vulnerable, unable to aid in the melee.

I spotted one of the fallen guard’s discarded stun prods laying nearby. Snatching it up, I tossed the weapon toward her. “Emma, catch!”

She deftly caught the prod and whirled to confront the next wave of attackers. A towering Astran charged swinging a meter long shock-whip which Emma narrowly ducked. Before he recovered, she jammed the stun prod into his gut and triggered it.

50,000 volts of electricity dropped the giant Astran instantly, convulsing helplessly on the polished floor. Emma braced over his prone form, facing the door defiantly.

My courageous mate, standing strong at my side even amidst the chaos. Heart swelling with pride, I spun to confront the next attackers, but none came.

“It’s over, Conii,” I rumbled. “Your guards aren’t fools, and all your secrets have come to light. The evidence of your crimes is irrefutable now.”

Conii’s eyes narrowed, her expression venomous. “You know nothing, fool. I am untouchable on this station.”

In answer, I tossed my percomm onto her desk. “See for yourself.”

With trembling hands, she scanned the news headlines and frantic chatter over the coms. As she took in the scope of the revelations, all color leached from her elegant features.

“No...impossible...I’ll kill you for this!” she hissed. But beneath the bravado, I sensed her desperation. Her house of cards was crumbling.

I bared my fangs in a cold smile. “Your reign ends today. The hunters are coming for you now.” As if on cue, the thunder of the outer walls of the compound being breached thundered through the room.

“Who do you think will get to you first?” Emma asked, her eyes narrowed. “I imagine there’s quite a list of sentients who would like to talk to you now.”

Blaster fire from outside only underscored her words.

With a shriek of rage, Conii dove for a hidden panel and scrambled into an escape hatch just before the office door burst inward once again.

Alkard and the rest of my brothers strode through, taking positions through the room.

But that didn’t matter, not now.

I lifted Emma gently to her feet and into my embrace. Relief flooded me, having her back safe in my arms. Cupping her face in my hands, I tenderly kissed her, heedless of any observers. Against all odds, we survived.

A purposeful cough interrupted us. I turned to glare at Alkard. There would be much to discuss about the downfall of his nemesis and plans for the future. But for now, my universe narrowed to just myself and Emma.

The rest could wait.


It was over.

It was over, Conii was gone, and Tazhr was with me, holding me so tightly, I knew he’d never let me go.

The others were talking, bent over the remains of Conii’s desk. Whatever they planned, I couldn’t care.

I was too busy lost in the heat of Taz’s touch. He came for me. I knew he would.

That beautiful, deadly killing machine would never let me down.