“You’re gonna kill me,” he said miserably.

I nodded. “Good answer. But I’m a nice guy, so I’m gonna give you just one chance to live. Got it?”

“Anything,” he said. “I’ll do anything.” I could tell he meant it.

“You just need to stay still.”

Outside of the bar, I called for a squad of the Syndicate’s soldiers to come watch Plarr’s bolt hole.

“Why aren’t you taking him to the magistrate right away?” Emma asked.

“Because the son of a bitch that convicted Havek is an old enemy of ours,” I admitted. “Now that we have evidence to present, we need to get it to a more… sympathetic ear.”

I pulled Emma to me urgently. “You are incredible,” I told her fervently. “How did I ever get on without you before?”

She flushed prettily at my praise, demurring it was nothing special. I silenced her protests with a fierce kiss. “You saw what I overlooked. Never diminish your gifts.” I tenderly brushed a stray hair from her eyes, awestruck by this woman who had become my entire world.

Wrapping her hand in mine, I led her way.

“Where are we going?”

“To the safehouse,” I answered. “There’s work we need to finish.”

“What kind of work? Isn’t that it? If Alkard takes Plarr to the magistrate in the morning, then it’s all over, isn’t it?”

I smiled. “Of course it is. I wasn’t talking about the case. I’m talking about far more important work.”

“Then what other kind of—”

That was the moment she figured it out.


Important work or not, we still had to get back to his hideout.

And apparently it was market day, the crowds making my head spin. But after the squalid hideout where we found Plarr, I relished the energy and vibrancy around me. For a few moments, I could pretend I was simply another carefree shopper, not a fugitive bound on a dangerous quest.

Pausing at a booth adorned with vibrant fabrics, I impulsively held up a length of gossamer cloth, its colors shifting mercurially. “Aren’t they lovely, Tazhr?” I asked, hoping he could share a fraction of my carefree delight.

“Very lovely,” he agreed solemnly, the corners of his stern mouth softening. My heart swelled that this ferocious warrior would pause to appreciate such a delicate beauty. Each glimpse beyond his gruff exterior was a treasure.

As we made our way out of the organized chaos, I gasped in delight when Tazhr guided me toward a stall displaying engraved percomm charms and decorative covers. Selecting an intricate pendant, he gently attached it to my device.

“A little something to brighten your days,” he rumbled. His thoughtfulness took my breath away.

“Tazhr, you didn’t have to...” I protested faintly, fingers tracing the metalwork.

Cupping my chin tenderly, his fiery eyes held mine. “I know the shadows we walk, but you deserve any small joys along the path.” The gentle press of his lips on my brow made me tremble.

For an instant, nothing existed but Tazhr’s warmth and the emotion in his gaze. I wished we could linger forever in this perfect moment, trials and dangers forgotten. But too soon, he drew back.

Unable to restrain my delight, I threw my arms around his sturdy frame in an enthusiastic hug. “It’s beautiful, thank you! I’ll keep it always.” Standing on tiptoe, I pressed a swift, grateful kiss to his sculpted lips.

As I pulled back, impishness seized me. “Don’t think sweet gifts will distract me from our mission,” I teased with mock sternness. “You can shower me with finery after we bring Conii to justice.” Laughing, I dashed off into the energetic crowd, Tazhr’s amused chuckle trailing after me.

The pungent aroma of frying oil and sizzling meat wafted through the crowded streets as Tazhr and I came back to the promenade level. My stomach rumbled, reminding me that neither of us had eaten since morning. Down here, away from Conii’s compound, appetizing scents teased from every corner.

“Hungry?” Tazhr asked, no doubt hearing my traitorous stomach’s complaints over the lively din.