As my feet carried me far from the scene of the murder, one thought kept repeating in my mind, strange and terrifying.

My life just changed forever.


She should know better than to be late. Does she not know what this does to me?

Does she not understand the fear that rushes through me when I think something happened to her?

“What’s eating you, Taz?’ Makar asked with a sigh.

I turned around, lifting my elbow off the counter of his cupcake display to face him. “She was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago.”

He shrugged. “Maybe she’s just on her way.”

“Yeah,” Sophia chimed while wiping where my elbow was. “She might have just gotten lost. Has she been here before?”

I shook my head and exhaled. “No, but it’s not like her to be late. If anything, she would be early.”

“You’re overthinking it, Taz,” Makar announced, shutting the display case and turning out the main overhead lights.

“Why are you turning those off?” I asked in a panic, whirling around to face him.

Makar threw his hands up in surrender and smirked. “Easy. I’m just acting like we’re closing early, so we have a little more privacy.”

I sighed and put my hand on my chest. “Don’t scare me like that.”

Makar only laughed, annoying me more.

“What’s so funny?”

“Taz, you’re a psychotic killer, and you’re scared because your informant is running late? What is going on with you?”

I glared at him, and slowly his eyes widened.

Sophia caught on just as fast. “No!” she exclaimed, covering her mouth. “Not you, too!”

“Oh, this is perfect,” Makar teased, spinning up the rag used for cleaning and flinging it at me. “He’s one of the club now!”

“Shut up,” I snapped. “I’m not. I just can’t risk Conii getting her hands on anyone on my watch.” I cleared my throat and turned away from them, hoping they wouldn’t notice the lie on my breath. “It’s not about her. Alkard would kill me if anything happened to the plan.”

“All right,” Makar replied with a grin before walking towards the back with Sophia. “Whatever you need to believe.”

I heard them whispering in the kitchen but tried to pay it no mind. I couldn’t focus on it even if I wanted to.

I was too angry with Emma for being late.

At least, that’s what I told myself.

In truth, I wasn’t even angry with her. The anger was just a coverup for the fear that sent shivers through my body. My gut twinged as I tried to lean back onto the counter. My eyes darted to the clock every thirty seconds, thinking another half an hour passed. I had to stop my leg from constantly bouncing up and down on the floor. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt like that.

Granted, patience wasn’t exactly a virtue I had, but it wasn’t something that made me that uncomfortable, either. The fact that it was Emma that was involved had me jumpy and irritable.

I saw a silhouette cross by the opening of the shop, and my heart leaped. The figure continued walking quickly past, and I leaned back on the counter, rubbing my face over my hands.

Should I go to Conii’s quarters? I can’t just stand here. I have to find her. Something’s not right.

I lifted myself off the counter and walked briskly to the front of the store. I was about to open the front door when the figure appeared again and opened it in front of me. Emma walked in and closed it behind her before spinning around and looking at me.