“Emma,” I croaked before patting my chest and clearing my throat.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes,” I replied, locking eyes with her. “Look, I’ve been thinking,” I sighed. “Stop trying to get the computer files.”

“What?” she asked, sitting up in the bed abruptly.

Oh no. Did I just fuck up?

“For your own sake,” I responded, putting my arms over my head and looking at her. “It’s dangerous. It’s not something I should have involved you in.”

She scoffed and looked at the wall. “You’re joking, right?”

I frowned but tried to keep my cool. “No, actually, I’m not.”

“What?” she asked, wrapping the sheets around her. “Because I’m a human, I can’t do it? Or is it because I’m awoman?”

Oh no.“What?” I got defensive, sitting up in the bed and crossing my arms while looking at her firmly. “No! It’s not either of those things!”

“Then, what is it?” She shrugged. “Be honest.”

“I don’t want you in danger,” I pleaded. “You could be killed for what you’re doing!”

“So could you!” she shouted. “What’s the difference?”

“The difference is,I’vebeen doing this my whole life! This is the life Ichose! You didn’t choose this, Emma!”

My chest caved in and expanded out with each heavy breath I took. I didn’t mean to lose my temper like that, especially not with her, but what I said wasn’t wrong. She was forced into that life, and it wasn’t something I wanted for her. She was too pure, too kind, and I had to drive the point home.

She looked at me skeptically for a few moments in silence. Everything was still except for her eyes blinking occasionally. The longer she remained silent, the more guilt seeped into me. I shouldn’t have raised my voice like that.

Finally, she nodded slowly and smacked her lips before looking at the bed. “Iwantto choose this,” she murmured before a long sigh. Her head lifted, and she shrugged her shoulders, looking at me with a sad smile. “I want to help.”

Her eyes were wide, and something I had never seen from another being in such a clear light showed on her face. She was being completely genuine. There wasn’t a hidden motive in sight. She really did justwantto help, despite the consequences.

“I know.” I exhaled, holding my hand out to her. Her eyes dragged to my palm, and she put her hand in mine gingerly. “But it’s dangerous, Emma. I don’t know if you’re aware of just how dangerous this all is.”

“Oh, believe me, I get it.” She replied, keeping her gaze on my eyes. “I might be a human, but I’m not stupid.”

I wanted to tell her I knew she wasn’t, that I never thought she was, but something foreign took over me. At that moment, I knew it was better for me not to speak and listen rather than try to fix the situation by any means necessary.

She sighed again before chuckling sadly, running her hand over the pattern on the sheets. “Do you know who Sherlock Holmes is?”

I shook my head, rage filling my chest. “No. Did he hurt you? Is he on this station?”

She laughed, throwing her head back in a way that made my heart swell, even through my anger and concern. “No. He’s not on this station.” She shrugged. “At least, I don’t think so. He could be.” She grinned at me before shaking her head. “He’s a detective. They’ve written thousands of books about him. He’s really popular with humans.”

“Oh.” I nodded slowly, feeling like an idiot for wanting to murder a man who wasn’t even on Thodos III just because she said his name. It was almost a reflex at that point to defend and protect her. I couldn’t help myself.

“Anyway.” She waved her hand, dismissing her previous words. “I have, like,waytoo many of his books.” She chuckled, but her expression was still morose. “It’s almost an obsession with mystery stories. I just…”

Her face lit up, and she lifted her head, looking at the wall while talking with her hands. “It’s like a puzzle, right? All the pieces are scattered everywhere. I mean, even here, with you, right? Conii is one piece, and she’s over here…” Her hand moved to the right side of the mattress. “And Havek iswayover there…”

She pointed to the left-hand wall. “And somewhere in here…” She circled the space between the two points. “There’s the truth.” She jammed a finger into the middle of the mattress. “That’s what I want to help find.”

That’s why you asked about the files. You were just curious. You just wanted to know.

The ambition awakened something inside me. It was more than attractive to see her become so passionate, especially about something I loved, too. While killing was always my main course, the pathwaytowardthe end of the missions became more appealing the last few I took.