“We have an informant among the Karavak,” the first hissed, eyes darting about the empty room. “There is to be an exchange at a small warehouse near the docking level 37. Mid-morning when it’s quiet. That is when and where the shipment comes in.”

I nodded slowly. “Very useful indeed. You’ve both done well.” I tossed a credit chip across the table to each of them.

They snatched up the chips and swiftly secreted them away into their cloaks. “Well then, I believe we’re done here,” one rasped. “Best get going now. Good fortune.”

Before I could respond, they slipped from the booth and scuttled from the room like cockroaches avoiding the light. I sighed in exasperation but didn’t bother following.

Leaning back in my seat, I stroked my chin thoughtfully, considering how this unexpected windfall of information might prove useful. If I could intercept that spice shipment, the Karavak gang would be deprived of a massive payload. They’d then be indebted to Alkard’s Syndicate for agreeing to “overlook” their folly. A tidy bit of leverage there.

While finding the information to exonerate Havek was crucial, our ongoing operations didn’t stop. Having leverage with another gang might even be helpful.

Yes, I mused,an ambush would be perfect. The exchange point was isolated, out of sight. I could easily plan a covert attack and be gone before their wrath turned in my direction.

Anticipation flowed through me, awakening my battle instincts. After endless boring weeks of political machinations, I was eager for action. The thrill of the hunt quickened my pulse. Soon, I would taste blood again.

Finally satisfied I’d extracted every morsel of information from this encounter, I departed the dingy cellar and slipped into the maze of streets. I took a meandering path, stopping often to ensure I hadn’t picked up any tails. Satisfied I was alone, I turned toward Conii’s compound.

Emma should be safely back in her bed, but still, something called to me. I wanted to be closer to her, even if I couldn’t see her.

“And tomorrow you’ll explain why you’re so upset with me, little one,” I muttered. I didn’t like the hurt that was in her eyes. It made a strange, uncomfortable sensation writhe in my chest.

But the closer I got to Conii’s, the more uncomfortable I felt.

Even though they were deserted now, I could almost trace the path Emma took through the crowded market, just from the traces of her scent.

I took a deep breath, letting the bewitching aroma wash over me.

But this was wrong.

Too fresh.

Did she just pass through here?

Frowning, I scoured the marketplace.

She should have returned hours ago. Why would she still be outside?

And then it didn’t matter anymore. The sound of cries and scuffling, seeming to originate from the next alley over.

Emma’s voice begging for release.

With a roar of fury, I leapt across the divide and hit the ground in a battle-crouch. I took in the scene instantly—Emma shoved against the alley wall, surrounded by a gang of filthy Ewani. Their lewd taunts and groping hands filled me with berserker fury.

I tore down the alleyway with a primal roar, blood pounding in my ears. The Ewanis had no chance to react before I was upon them.

My fist crunched into the first opponent’s face, cartilage and bone giving way under my knuckles. He spun and collapsed against the brick wall, stunned.

Another came at me with a rusty pipe. I side-stepped his wild swing and buried my elbow in his gut. As he doubled over wheezing, I brought my knee up sharply into his forehead. He crumpled to the ground in a heap.

The biggest of the bunch grabbed Emma, holding a vibro-shiv to her throat. “Come any closer and the girl dies,” he spat.

Emma’s eyes were wide with terror. A haze of red rage clouded my vision at her distress. With lightning speed, I hurled my own knife, sending it slicing across the thug’s wrist.

Howling in pain, he released Emma and clutched his gushing wound. In a blink, I closed the distance and unleashed a devastating series of blows, ending with a crushing uppercut under his jaw. Teeth and blood sprayed as he sagged against the brick wall before sliding down, unconscious.

Another Ewani rushed me with a perma-steel bar. I side-stepped his wild swing then grabbed the arm holding the metal, twisting brutally until I felt the pop of breaking bone.

He shrieked in agony, dropping the pipe to clutch at his mangled limb. I silenced him with an elbow smash to the temple, flipping him head over heels into a pile of rotten garbage.