One suppressed a yawn then adjusted his stance. The other scratched his neck before resuming scanning the hall. Neither seemed concerned by my presence. Just as I hoped.

I needed an excuse to linger here, to have a reason to keep monitoring their patterns and behavior. Suddenly inspired, I turned toward them with a bright smile.

“Excuse me, would either of you gentlemen care for a prishem?” I asked hopefully. “Happy to fetch some from the kitchen if you’d like.”

The guard nearest me frowned, looking mildly annoyed by my offer. “We’re on duty,” he said gruffly. “No food or drink allowed.”

His tone left no room for argument. I ducked my head apologetically. “Of course, my mistake. Sorry to bother you.”

Strike one. I grabbed my cart and scurried away, feigning meekness. But inside, the gears were turning. I just needed to try again from a different angle.

Over the next few hours, I invented several more reasons to pass by the office entrance. Each time, the guards grew more wary of my presence. My spine prickled under their suspicious glares.

“Don’t you have floors to scrub somewhere, girl?” one asked pointedly as I checked for nonexistent dust near the door molding.

“These fixtures need special attention,” I mumbled lamely, avoiding his eyes. His skepticism was palpable. I couldn’t afford too many more missteps.

By early afternoon, I was desperate for a new tactic. I couldn’t keep wandering this hall all day—someone would notice and ask questions. I needed an airtight excuse to linger here.

A potential answer came as I helped the chef prepare Conii’s lunch tray in the kitchen. If I could discover her lunch plans, it would justify returning upstairs. I tried to sound casual as I grabbed a bowl of her favorite marrow soup.

“Oh, I forgot to ask earlier: is Conii eating in her office today?” I asked breezily.

The chef didn’t look up from the stove. “How should I know her plans?” he grumbled. “Just bring the tray to her room as usual.”

I suppressed a sigh. It was worth a try. I just have to get creative again. Balancing the tray, I rushed upstairs before the chef could interrogate me further.

Outside the office, I took a steadying breath and approached the guards with what I hoped passed for a guileless smile.

“So sorry to bother you again!” I gushed brightly. “But I wanted to quickly check: is Conii currently in her office? I wasn’t sure whether to bring her lunch here or to her room.”

The guards exchanged weary, exaggerated looks. Clearly they were onto me.

“She’s out for the day,” one informed me smugly. “Now stop pestering us with these useless questions, girl.”

I mumbled an apology and slunk away, cheeks burning. Strike two. No way could I risk another attempt without raising Conii’s suspicions. I would need to regroup and try again another day.

But first, I had to get back to work.

Amarron root was on the menu, and in the intensity of my meeting with Taz yesterday, I forgot it. A faint tickle of memory had me hoping that there was another one in the pantry.

As I rummaged through shelves and bins, a ventilation shaft along the far wall caught my eye. It had a loose, rusty cover that looked like it could easily be pried off. Would it work? Would I fit?

“There you are!” The chef’s irritated bellow made me jump. I spun around guiltily as he filled the pantry doorway with his impressive bulk. “What are you doing lollygagging around down here?”

I wanted to scream in frustration. But forcing a smile, I followed the chef back upstairs, my hopes sinking. There was no way I could investigate that vent further today. I could only pray it would still be accessible tomorrow.

Preoccupied with thoughts of my near miss, I proceeded to spill two drinks and forget the segundo course entirely while serving Conii’s dinner that night. She snapped her fangs in annoyance, but was appeased when I groveled sufficiently for forgiveness.

Afterward, I collapsed into bed but couldn’t sleep, my mind racing. Tomorrow, I might finally have a way into Conii’s office—that ventilation shaft could be the perfect secret entrance. And I couldn’t wait to tell Tazhr the exciting news. Just picturing his pleased smile made my pulse quicken delightfully.

I hugged my pillow, imagining the handsome Vinduthi’s reaction. He’d be so thrilled by my discovery. Maybe he would pin me against the wall again in appreciation, like before, his hard muscular body pressing urgently against mine as he devoured me with kisses...

I squirmed happily at the memory, mind spinning with anticipation of our next encounter. Suddenly, I knew I couldn’t wait till morning.

I needed to talk to him, share my triumph.

Cold reality hit.