Page 10 of Hook-up to Holidate

There are three empty chairs left. One for the dean and the other two I’m unsure of, but as I notice green skin coming through the door, an uneasy feeling washes over me.

V walks in with Malik, the other charms professor. He’s a human elfborn like me; though unlike me, he’s actually tall. He sits down a few seats away from me, leaving the seat next to me as Vega’s only option. Shit. I mean, last we spoke I agreed to be her friend, but I didn’t plan on sitting next to her at meetings. Alitha has a shit-eating grin on her face, a rare sight for her, and I tap her lightly under the table.

“Now ladies, invite me the next time you wanna play footsies?” Malik jests as he crosses one leg over the other, turning towards Dean Bariel, who is standing in front of a projector. Alitha probably wants to perish at that interaction, and frankly, I do too. V doesn’t react, which irks me. I know I’m not supposed to, but I want her attention.

I didn’t see the dean enter the room, so he likely entered in his barn owl form. Some beings on Earth, regardless of their magical race, developed shifting abilities after The Convergence, and passed it down to their descendants. It’s rare, but the dean is one of the few. So, technically, one could say the school is run by a bird.

“Before we get started, I want to introduce the newest member of our little family, Dr. Vega Daelor,” Dean Bariel says, a small grin across his face. The dean is pale, with long white hair and a thin frame. His ears are long, and he’s built a lot like Alitha, but with more angular features. He’s fiercer and much older.

V stands up, and I have to stop myself from shaking. It’s not like she’s going to get up in front of all our coworkers and yell, ‘‘I’ve screwed Professor Watson, by the way!’ But something about this moment leaves me teetering on the edge. She’s wearing a deep green suit jacket that compliments her skin, and her hair is slicked back in a low bun. She moves with grace, gradually making her way to the front. “Hello, I am Dr. Daelor, the new Head of Charms. I previously taught at Freehold Magic University, in the mid-north of The Americas.”

Everyone claps and cheers, the room bustling with excitement, but there’s fear too. Orcs and orclings are strong, and sometimes they underestimate that strength; but it’s nothing to fear. I’m probably the smallest person in this room, the elves and orcs towering over me, and I’m not afraid.

She moves to sit back next to me and winks. It’s quick, and I don’t think anyone else caught it. But Alitha does, and she flicks the side of my arm.

“Now, the reason you’re all here,” Dean Bariel starts. “The Council of Continents had a meeting, and there have been some legislative updates in regards to schools and time off. We have new rules we must follow about parental leave, cultural and religious holidays, and sick leave.”

The Council of Continents is our new global government structure, which randomly selects individuals of specific backgrounds to serve for a limited term. From each continent, they pull a few different types of beings: a person who was born there, a person who is indigenous to the land, and a person from each prominent population of magical race. For certain issues, they also request members of different identities, including disabilities, sexualities, and religions, to volunteer as well. Each continent has an official administrator which handles all the paperwork and clerical tasks, but thanks to this process, we’ve gotten rid of career politicians internationally. We still have small-scale community leadership, decided upon by each community, and they’re all different. Magia Island, for example, has a mayor. I know Alitha and my mother both dream of getting their names called to join the council for a session, but the thought of that level of responsibility makes me physically ill.

Dean Bariel continues droning on about new renovation projects, before getting back to the important stuff, and I’m zoning out, preoccupied by thoughts of the woman sitting next to me, about how her skin feels against mine. The way her mouth tastes.

“As professors, we must be understanding of students of different races and cultures, and how, for example, one elf might celebrate a different set of holidays than another,” Dean Bariel says, interrupting my thoughts.

To me, this feels like the bare minimum. It shouldn’t even have to be said. If a student needs to miss class to celebrate their heart out, so be it. But I suppose for old-timers like Dr. Lothiel, this might be a much-needed update. I can recall attending Augury University myself, and Dr. Lothiel being surprised I celebrated elven holidays as she did. I idolized her, I still kind of do, but it left a sour taste in my mouth. The world was complicated before The Convergence, but it’s even more complicated now, and that’s what makes it so beautiful. I love working with serpentine, cambions, and… orcs.

Dean Bariel moves on to discussing professor etiquette and dress codes, specifically about how distracting inappropriately dressed professors can be. In the year six-thousand-and-four, you’d think we’d be over this nonsense, but no. My eyes drift shut, my body tired from a night of restless sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about Vega and how badly I want her. How much I crave her. This is ridiculous, right? Surely I can’t be losing sleep to sex dreams over my boss?

Something bumps my shoulder, and I realize it’s V. She scooted her chair closer to mine.

“Wake up, rabbit,” she whispers, and I see something flash in her eyes, almost like hunger, before they shift back to normal. “I know he’s boring, but we’ve gotta get you and Malik to associate professor positions.”

Me and Malik. If it were just me, I would think it’s because she likes me, but maybe Vega is just a good person–a good boss. I can’t mess this up. I have someone who actually cares about their subordinates, and here I go screwing up everything because of one fun weekend of fucking.

Alitha gives us a look with her ocean blue eyes and then focuses back on Dean Bariel’s speech. If anyone in this world is more of a goodie-two-shoes than I, it’s Alitha. She’s just always been a perfectionist, and I admire her whole-heartedly.

As much as I feel like I’m going to scream if I have to keep listening to Dean Bariel, I have to hand it to him. He could probably win a world record for longest speech ever. I glance around the room. Aura is watching him intently, an irritated look on her face. Feather McNab is taking notes, seated next to Adeib, who is scowling at his phone. I’m just glad I’m not the only one over this meeting.

“Last announcement,” the Dean says, and I hear us all take a breath of relief. “Within the next year, we plan on working towards opening a second campus. It will be off the coast of Naiad Island, in a cave system nearby. This way, our merfolk and kraken students and staff can attend university without discomfort or danger.”

Well, at least that’s something. I know I would remain at our main campus in the Illusionary Jungle, but it would be cool to visit. I can imagine Professor Rios and Dr. Martino would move to the secondary campus, which is closer to their families anyway. Very exciting.

“That is all for now, everybody. Please do your best as we finish up the fall semester.” Dean Bariel walks out of the room. Meeting. Fucking. Adjourned.

V and Malik are talking, and Alitha has already snuck out, likely avoiding having to converse with the others. I honestly don’t want to discuss the meeting either. If I’m being honest with myself, I wasn’t paying attention. I need to get better at adulting… My attention span is great with people I care about, but Dean Bariel talks just to hear the sound of his voice.

Stepping out the door and onto a wooden platform that leads to a breakroom, I take in the fresh, chilled air. In the winter months, these islands can get down to zero degrees Celsius, and in the summer, up to thirty. It doesn’t snow naturally here, but zero is cold to me, especially since it’s wet-cold. Most of the birds have migrated farther south, closer to the equator, so the jungle is quiet. I can hear every step as I make my way across, dipping my head into the adjacent space.

Nobody is in here, so I start brewing some coffee. Opening a lower cupboard, I root around for the pumpkin syrup I stashed when October hit and can’t find it. I climb up onto the counter, hoping someone moved it up here and didn’t throw it away. This is one of those moments where I hate being short. My knee touches something hot, and the coffee machine gyrates, sputtering around, creating a mess.

Did I knock something loose? Stepping down, I take the machine in both hands, trying to stop it from moving. It sprays hot coffee water all over my white blouse, burning me in the process. I should’ve charmed the taller cupboard to open, preventing this entire disaster, but I did not. I, like a two-year-old, climbed onto the counter and likely broke the coffee machine. This moment is going to loop in my brain over and over again for weeks.

Crossing to the staff bathroom, I open the door and unbutton my blouse. Scrubbing the soft fabric with soap and water, I pray to the gods, or whoever, this coffee stain comes out. One of the few articles of clothing I own that isn’t black and a staple of my work wardrobe, this top was a gift from my mother, and I refuse to let it fall victim to my dumbassery.

I stare into the mirror, fixing the smudge of my purple lipstick, and give myself a once over. My black bra covers what little boobage I have going on, and I decide I feel cute. I am cute. And worthy of love—just not with my boss.

The door swings open, and I realize I neglected to lock it. Golden eyes meet mine, and I see Vega struggling to stay calm. Her muscled pecs are heaving through her shirt, and her eyes are brighter than I’ve ever seen. There’s something in them, like smolders of fire, as she unleashes herself onto me. Shoving me against the wall, the orcling dominates me with her body as she breathes hot air into my neck, lightly nipping my skin with her tusks. It all happens so fast, I haven’t even taken in a breath before her lips are on mine.

“Do you think it’s okay to stand around like this with the door unlocked?” she says between hungry kisses. “Anyone could have come in here and seen what’s mine. Whatshouldbe mine.”