Page 48 of Hook-up to Holidate

“Wake up sleepy orc,” Indigo says, and I roll over.


“I’ve got to get going.”

At that, my eyes shoot open. “Going where? It’s like eight in the morning.”

Indigo, already dressed and ready to go, stands over me. “I’ve got to set up for the party tonight. I’ll see you there.”

“Are we not going together?” I ask, holding her hand so she can’t go yet.

“I don’t think it’s the best idea to hard launch our relationship at the annual holiday party.”

“Fine. We’ll drive separately, but I’m spending the entire night by your side.”

“Deal,” she says and kisses me on the cheek.

I should probably wrap her gifts. She wanted a girlfriend for Christmas, but I already gave her that. A pair of earrings and a strap-on will have to do.



Everything is perfect.Alitha and Aura showed up around three to help me finish setting up. We discussed what classes I’ll be taking over from Alitha, and I told Aura about some of the sight students she should expect to meet soon. Augury University truly feels like home to me.

As the clock strikes five, people start to make their way in. The trees are covered in lights, sparkling bright so all can see.

Don’t stress, I remind myself.It’s going to be awesome.

To get into the meeting room, guests have to enter through an archway covered in fake Christmas presents. There are shimmery snowflakes dangling from the ceiling, and a gorgeous tree in one corner for everyone to place their gifts under. Dr. Ali and Dr. McNab are the first to arrive. Adeib brought tabbouleh, and Feather brought a large vat of mac-n-cheese. Others trail in not long after, carrying their gifts and treats. There’s white chocolate lemon truffles, lasagne, and more. Our librarian, Chak Rokismith, brought a whole turkey.

“You did a fantastic job, Professor Watson,” Dr. Lothial says, hovering over me. “I couldn’t be more impressed. I mean the poinsettia photo wall? This whole thing is effortlessly charming.”

“Thank you. It definitely took a lot of effort,” I reply.

Vega is almost the last to arrive, walking in with a decent-sized box covered in purple wrapping paper and a grocery bag. I’m honestly surprised she read the email far enough to know we’re playing Dirty Santa.

She comes up to me in her green, chunky knit sweater, and quickly kisses my forehead. Freja flies in after her, practically crashing into Momiji before the two make their way to the charcuterie board to steal cheese and crackers.

“I brought this as a treat,” Vega says, and I open the paper bag, which includes a box of hot chocolate packets and a bag of marshmallows. Very Vega.

After all the food is on the table and all the gifts are under the tree, we start a line and get to eating. I make sure to get a scoop of everything, and Vega gets two.

Seated between Vega and Alitha, munching on some delicious food, I watch the dean stand and raise his glass. “I wanted to make a toast for Professor Watson. Though she may not be a charms professor anymore, she sure knows how to throw a charming party. I cannot wait to see what you and Dr. Taylor do with the Potions Department”

Everyone raises their glasses, and I could cry—I could, but I’ve cried enough in the last few weeks. A grin spreads across my face, as well as a flush of pink.

Transforming into an owl, he flies around the room before landing on our table, winking, and shifting back.

“Did he just wink at me in owl form?” I ask the table. I didn’t know owlscouldwink.

“I don’t know, but I don’t believe I’ve had enough spiked eggnog,” Aura says.

“I remember seeing an owl at a previous meeting, but I didn’t put two and two together,” Malik says. “Archeron is a bird?”

“Dean Bariel is an elf with the rare ability to shift forms,” Alitha explains. “Your eyes did not deceive you.”

“Everyone, move your chairs into a circle,” I say, and they all follow along. Furniture is being shifted around left and right until we make a circle in the center of the room.