Page 35 of Hook-up to Holidate


How was it?


Eh. My mother was having a really rough day the first time we saw them, but everything was fine for the most part.


What kind of rough day??


She was kinda a bully :/


I’m sorry, Watson. I’ll kick her ass if you want.


I wish, lol.


How was Dr. Daelor?


OHYMGOD don’t call her that.


She was great. Toooooooo great. We’re going on one final date this Saturday.


Sure you are.

It really will be the final date. I have to draw a line in the sand, I can’t lose my fucking job over a hot woman. A brilliant, emotionally intelligent, wonderful fucking woman… but still.

This week is finals week at Augury University, and I can’t help but wonder how my students are going to do. I taught history during grad school, and, while the students did well, this is my first year as an adjunct where I’m also teaching charms…. If I’m being honest with myself, I don’t feel very confident in the subject. I’ve always been better with potions, as crazy as that sounds. I try not to dwell on the past more than my silly brain already requires, but sometimes I regret not majoring in potions. I think if my mother was going to be disappointed in me no matter what, I could have at least made it count.

My eyes flutter until they close, and my mind drifts into darkness.

* * *


What the fuck was that?

My body flings itself off the couch, and I race towards the kitchen, where I find nothing. Coming back into the living room, I finally see it. There’s broken glass on the floor behind the couch, liquid coating the floor. Momiji is sprawled across my potion shelf with not one fuck to give.

“Why would you knock off one of my potions? You’re lucky that was one that’s easy to reproduce,” I say in a stern voice.

Momiji moves his foot towards another potion, and I move to grab at him. His wings shoot out, pushing potions over in their wake, and he flies around the room. I somehow manage to catch three potions, the fourth stopped mid-fall by my magic. What a little shit. Did I do something to piss him off? He must be hungry or something…

Putting the potions back on the shelf, I cross towards the kitchen where I open the fridge and get out the carrots. We’re almost out, and some of the lettuce looks bad. I’ll have to go grocery shopping after work tomorrow. I place a carrot onto my cutting board and reach for the knife drawer. Turning back, Momiji is seated in front of me, one potion between his paws.