“I’ll think of it too.” His eyes were warm and joyous.

“Father,” she said, fighting tears that tried to welt in her eyes.

“Yes?” he invited, his face still focused on the tea as he stirred.

Primrose took a deep breath. “You’re a good man.”

She watched his eyes lift from his cup as she smiled. A toothless smile, but one wide enough to close his eyes. She crossed through the doorway and started towards the opening to the garden, where she knew she’d find her mother.

Primrose painted every detail of the garden in her mind. The gravel pathway to the benches and marble fountain. She could recall how the birds would bathe in it in spring and how the roses bloomed in bright, glowing colors. Adora quietly sat on a bench, basking in the light of morning.

“What brings you out here so early?” her mother asked.

“I actually came out here to say thank you,” Primrose answered.

Adora hesitated before saying, “There are many things you could thank me for, goose. What is it today?”

Primrose laughed. “I just wanted to thank you for fighting for me when nobody else did.”

Adora stood and wrapped her arms around Primrose, and she welcomed the embrace. The scent of jasmine filled her nose as she tried to collect it. She wanted to remember this scent, and this feeling, forever.

“I love you, goose. I will always fight for you.”

Primrose knew this to be true, and she squeezed her mother tightly.

There was Protego, his shoulder-length hair blowing with the breeze. He stood a few feet from the door alongside Sera and Haruka as Primrose made her way outside the castle. The Reditus Castle. Her mind was filled with images of its little library, painted floral murals, and beautiful carvings.My home.

“We should head towards Gretchester Woods,” Protego said.

They opened the ornate metal gates and began walking on the dirt path, passing tree after tree in silence before Haruka spoke. “What’s this about? This private meeting?”

Primrose took a breath. “I don’t know where to begin.”

“I’ll start... I’m not a human. In any regards,” Protego stated.

“We know,” Sera said, smiling. Her arm was linked with Haruka. The sight filled Primrose was a deep sense of joy.

“I’m not a sorcerer, either. I’m… what you would consider a demon,” he said.

“Damn. I thought you were an angel but a demon? That’s really something.” Haruka appeared impressed.

“Primrose is an angel,” Protego explained, and the two women gasped.

“I’m afallenangel, one who was cursed to reincarnate. It’s why I have the visions,” she said.

“I know I shouldn’t believe you. I know this entire thing is supposed to sound ridiculous, but I’ve heard stories of angels’ powers. The fire that can erupt from them, I saw it in you,” Haruka beamed as they passed a thicket of scarlet-red roses.

Sera looked in awe. “Why were you cursed?”

“We were partners. I cared for lost souls, and she was to return them to Paradisus. When we failed to do things as instructed, they called us to Paradisus to meet with The Committee.Thiswas our punishment. They struck her, and she fell from the sky, a falling star. My starling.” He touched Primrose’s hand, intertwining theirs.

“I’ve always thought your eyes were an unnaturally vibrant shade of green. It’s like they’re laced with gold. They glow!” Sera said.

“They’re beautiful.” Protego grinned.

The group passed a clearing and continued walking, nearing the forest’s southern glade.

“You were right about the visions after all then. Your instincts were right,” Haruka said. Primrose nodded in agreement.