Sera stood, eyes glittering with joy. “Really?”

“You two were never particularly good at being sneaky. Of course you two can stay together. I will do my best to ensure Queen Lilith does not request you at the capital, but if she does, Haruka will go with you,” Adora promised.

A weight lifted off of Primrose’s shoulders, knowing her loved ones would have happy futures. Still, her chest tightened at the image of them all moving on without her.

“What about you, Protego?” Primrose’s father finally asked.

“I am leaving this afternoon,” Protego said, voice low and quiet.

“What?!” Primrose gasped, her entire body shaking as she tried to stop herself from reacting. Sera placed a hand on her thigh and gestured for her to take a deep breath.

Protego’s eyes appeared empty as he said, “My services are no longer needed here.”

“What will you do next?” Bazz asked.

Adora looked over at Primrose, a concerned look setting into her features. Primrose was fighting back her tears as she listened.

“I have some personal matters to attend to back home,” he said as he looked at Primrose. He smiled at her, the expression not meeting his eyes.

“Well, we are most gracious for your assistance here.” Bazz stood and crossed over, shaking Protego’s hand.

Protego stood. “Thank you all. If you’ll excuse me, I need to pack.”

Primrose felt like the air had been sucked out of her lungs as she watched him exit the dining room and cross towards the stairwell up to their adjacent chambers. She looked at Haruka and then her mother. They nodded, and she stood, chasing after him.

Chapter Twenty-One

Protegowasalreadyhalfwayup the wooden staircase when Primrose caught up to him, her breath catching in her throat. He looked at her with cold, dead eyes and then looked forward, continuing up the stairs. She silently pleaded for her voice to follow through.

“Where—where are you going?” her words stumbled out.

“I’m going home, Primrose,” he said, voice chilled.

Primrose. Not starling, but Primrose.

Protego entered her bedroom and started neatly folding his clothes. His hand stretched out, and a black canvas bag flew through the window, landing right in his grasp.

“Are you seriously going to pretend I mean nothing to you and that all this meant nothing to you? You’re just going to leave and say nothing?” she bit out, arms shaking at her sides.

“What do you propose I do? Do you expect me to stay and watch you marry a man you don’t love? Because I won’t fucking do that—I can’t fucking do that ag—” his words were interrupted as Primrose pressed her lips against his.

She melted into him, flames erupting inside her core. She kissed him. She kissed him more passionately than she ever had before. He grabbed her waist and slid her against the wall. Protego’s tongue slid into her mouth as she grinded her body against his. Despite her body’s protests, she retreated her face away from his.How could this end?

“I know you can’t stay, but I cannot bear to watch you leave me,” she said, tears streaming down her face.

“I know, starling. I know.” He kissed her damp cheek.

“I’m unsure how I am supposed to board that ship, to leave my family behind. I cannot fathom a life without them.” She wiped away a tear.

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“I hope you find her.”

Protego cocked his head. “Who?”

“Ilona. Your fallen angel, I hope you find her and that you get to grow old together.”

Protego laughed, “We can’t grow old, starling.”